Study on the Teaching Reformof Cell Biology*
中文关键词: 细胞生物学  课堂教学  改革
英文关键词: Cell biology  The teaching of course  Reform
陈花刘晓英李晓韬李鲜花王富刚 榆林学院陕西榆林719000 
摘要点击次数: 797
全文下载次数: 877
      摘要:细胞生物学是生命科学专业的一门必修的专业基础课,占有非常重要的地位。鉴于我院细胞生物学课程课时安排少、实验 少、与已修课程有重复内容、相关科学前沿知识不能及时更新、“填鸭式”教学模式和传统的以“讲”为主的教学方法等严重影响该 课程教学质量的教学现状,提出了从课程结构体系、课程教学内容,教学方法及考核方式等方面的一系列改革探究,课程结构体 系方面由专业任选课变更为专业基础课,适当增加了理论课时;从课程内容来看,取缔与已修课程的重复内容,适当补充最新科 研动态、介绍相关的诺贝尔奖,积极鼓励学生参与教师的相关科研项目和申报大学生科研创新活动项目,培养学生的科研创新能 力;从教学模式来看,教师要积极利用图文并茂的多媒体教学、适时放映学生喜欢看的相关电教视频、课堂上多以讨论和提问的 方式教学;考核采用平时成绩加期末成绩的方式,不断提高教学效率和课堂管理水平,促进教学质量的提高。
      ABSTRACT:Cell biology is a compulsory basic course in life science and plays a very important role. We put forward a series of reform for the cell biology course from the curriculum structure system, teaching content, teaching methods and examination methods. The teaching current situation seriously influences the quality of teaching in the life science department in Yu Lin university, which cell biology course and experimental courses are few, a few content have been repeated, related scientific knowledge can not be timely updated, "spoon-feeding" teaching model and traditional to "speak" the main teaching methods. In the aspects of curriculum structure, it was changed the professional optional course into a professional basic course, and increases some appropriate contents. In the aspects of the course content, it has been banned in repeated contents which was learned in prerequisite professional courses, was properly added the latest research and the relevant Nobel Prize. At the same time, we actively too encourage students to participate in the teachers' related research projects and college students' scientific innovation activities, which cultivates student in scientific ability. In the aspects of teaching model, teachers should actively use of multimedia teaching and timely screen audio-visual video which students like and often put forward questions and discussion in classroom. The final grade assessment should consist of the school grades and the final grades, which improves teaching efficiency and teaching management level and promote the improvement of teaching quality.
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