周琨 高晓唯.CCR7 在树突状细胞中的功能及对角膜免疫调节的研究进展[J].,2014,14(18):3570-3574
CCR7 在树突状细胞中的功能及对角膜免疫调节的研究进展
The Function of Chemokine Receptor 7 in Dendritic Cells andCorneal Immune
中文关键词: CCR7  树突状细胞  免疫调节  排斥反应
英文关键词: CCR7  Dendritic cells  Immune regulation  Rejection
基金项目:全军医学科研"十二五" 课题计划项目基金(CWS11J239)
周琨 高晓唯 石河子大学医学部
解放军第474 医院全军眼科中心 
摘要点击次数: 620
全文下载次数: 2408
      树突状细胞(dendritic cells, DCs)是体内已知的功能最强大的专职抗原提呈细胞,对于诱导机体初始免疫应答尤为重要。趋 化受体因子7 (chemokine receptor 7,CCR7)是一个已知的调节各类免疫细胞向初级、次级淋巴细胞分化,并向外周淋巴器官归巢 的趋化因子受体,其具有自我平衡表达能力,在趋化DCs 从外周组织迁移至次级淋巴器官中起关键作用。随着研究的深入,除了 CCR7 最主要的趋化作用外,更多的功能逐渐被了解。目前,DCs 和CCR7 的相关功能已被应用于诱导角膜移植后的免疫耐受等 眼科领域。就CCR7 在DCs中的功能及其对角膜免疫调节的影响进行综述,探讨其关键作用及可能的治疗靶点。
      Dendritic cells (DCs) are the most efficient antigen-presenting cells which initiate immune responses. Chemokine receptor7 (CCR7) is a homeostatically expressed chemokine receptor that is known to regulate the homing of various types of immune cells to primary, secondary, and tertiary lymphoid organs. With more exploration of it, more function gradually been found of CCR7 besides chemotaxis. Currently, DCs and CCR7-related functions have been applied to the field of ophthalmology such as induce immune tolerance after corneal transplantation et al. Here, The Function of CCR7 in dendritic cells and corneal immune are summarized, aim to discuss their significant effects and potential therapeutic targets.
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