刘思颖 丁寅 刘彦普 贾森 张海霞.幼龄犬髁突囊外损伤对髁突及下颌骨生长发育的影响[J].,2014,14(24):4606-4615
The Effect of Condylar Extracapsular Injuries on Condylarand Mandibular Growth of Growing Dogs
中文关键词: 髁突  囊外损伤  下颌骨  生长发育
英文关键词: Condyle  Extracapsular Injury  Mandible  Growth and Development
刘思颖 丁寅 刘彦普 贾森 张海霞 第四军医大学口腔医学院正畸科军事口腔医学国家重点实验室第四军医大学口腔医学院颌面外科中国人民解放军第451 医院口腔科 
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      目的:研究幼龄犬髁突不同形式的囊外损伤对髁突局部及下颌骨生长发育的影响。方法:20 只6 月龄中华田园犬随机分为 五组,除空白对照组外,分别建立幼龄犬单侧髁突颈部骨折、髁突颈部骨折后内固定、髁突颈部骨膜损伤及髁突颈部骨皮质损伤 四种动物模型,饲养12w及24w后通过头颅CT 三维重建测量的方法观察其对下颌骨对称性及生长量的影响,并通过组织学染 色观察髁突局部生长中心的微观改变。结果:①仅单侧髁突颈部骨折组在损伤早期对下颌骨及髁突发育产生了影响,使损伤侧髁 突颈部形态变短变粗,下颌骨长度也较对侧减小,但髁突及颈部的局部适应性改建会逐渐抵消这些影响,24w 时下颌骨已不存在 骨性不对称,但功能性原因仍能导致颏点出现向患侧的偏斜。②其余三种损伤形式在实验设定的观察期内对髁突及下颌骨的生 长发育影响不大,但单侧髁突颈部骨折后内固定组在24w 时也出现了下颌骨的功能性偏斜。③各种损伤形式对髁突及下颌骨生 长发育的远期影响有待进一步实验证实。结论:生长发育期犬髁突囊外损伤对髁突及下颌骨生长发育的影响不大。
      Objective:To investigate the protective effects of condylar extracapsular injuries on condylar and mandibular growth in Growing Dogs.Methods:Sixteen 6-month-old Chinese rural dogs were randomly divided into four groups. Group A: unilateral condylar neck fracture. Group B: unilateral condylar neck fracture that reduced with internal rigid fixation. Group C: unilateral periosteal injury of condylar neck. Group D: unilateral decortication of condylar neck. Group E: blank control group. CT scanning and histological examination was done 12 and 24 weeks postoperationally. Size and symmetrical characteristics of each mandible were reconstructed and valued by software.Results:① Unilateral condylar neck fracture without fixation might cause local morphology changes during early period after operation. But the compensatory growth of condyle and mandible would decrease these changes after the healing of fracture. At the time point of 24w, there was no bony asymmetry existed but functional asymmetry occurred. ② The other methods of injury failed in affecting the growth of condyles and mandible. But unilateral condylar neck fracture with internal fixation also caused functional asymmetry at 24w. ③ The long term effect of these four injury types still need further experimental study to confirm.Conclusion:Condylar extracapsular injury had little effect on condylar or mandibular growth in growing dogs.
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