王辉 荣艳 凌敏 苟安栓 汪海涛.683 例胸腔积液病因分析[J].,2014,14(24):4723-4726
683 例胸腔积液病因分析
The Etiological Analysis of 683 Patients with Pleural Effusion
中文关键词: 胸腔积液  病因  分析
英文关键词: Pleural effusion  Etiological factors  Analysis
王辉 荣艳 凌敏 苟安栓 汪海涛 新疆维吾尔自治区人民医院呼吸与危重症医学二科 
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      目的:目前医学证实有很多疾病的分布与民族及种族有关,而维吾尔族是新疆特有的少数民族,本文探讨了2010~2012 年入 住我院的诊断明确的所有683 例胸腔积液(PE)患者与其中276 例维吾尔族PE 患者的病因分布的差异,从而指导临床工作。方法:回顾性分析2010~2012 年入住我院的683 例PE 患者及其中276 例维吾尔族PE 患者的临床资料,分析维吾尔族PE 患者与入我院总的PE 患者二者之间病因分别的差异。结果:入我院总的PE 患者与其中维吾尔族PE 患者最常见的病因相同,均为结核性PE、恶性PE、心功能不全性PE、肺炎旁PE,但二者之间这四种病因的分布有差异,前者病因分布顺序为恶性PE、结核性PE、心功能不全性PE、肺炎旁PE,而后者病因的分布顺序为结核性PE、心功能不全性PE、恶性PE、肺炎旁PE;二者在不同年龄段的病因分布也具有差异,后者在≤40 岁组与41~59 岁组比较、≤40 岁组与≥60 岁组比较有统计学差异,但41~59 岁组与≥ 60 岁组比较无统计学差异,但前者在上述三个年龄段比较均有统计学差异。结论:入我院总的PE 患者与维吾尔族PE患者的最主要的病因相同,但二者这四个病因分布的顺序不同,且二者在不同年龄段的病因分布也存在差异,前者在三个年龄段的病因分布均存在差异,而后者仅在二个年龄段的病因分布存在差异。
      Objective:Current medical science verifies that the distribution of many diseases are related with nationality and race. Uygur is a unique minority in Xinjiang, and this article is to discuss the difference of etiological factors of 276 uygur patients among the 683 patients diagnosed with PE in our hospital from 2010 to 2012, and to provide reference for clinical treatment.Methods:Clinical data of the 683 patients with PE and especially of the 276 uygur patients were retrospectively analyzed. The difference in etiological factors was analyzed between the urgur PE patients and all the PE inpatients.Results:The most common etiological factors of both all the PE inpatients and the uygur include tuberculous PE, malignant PE, cardiac insufficiency of PE, and parapneumonia PE. But there is also difference in the distribution of the above four factors between all the inpatient and the uygur patients, both in the sequence and the age groups. The sequence of the former is malignant pleural effussion, tuberculous pleurisy, cardiac insufficiency of pleural effussion, parapneumonic pleural effusion; while the sequence of the latter is tuberculous pleurisy, cardiac insufficiency of pleural effussion, malignant pleural effussion, parapneumonic pleural effusion. In the latter, there are statistical differences in ≤ 40 age group comparing with the 41 to 59 age group and ≤ 40 age group comparing with the ≥ 60 age group, but there isn't statistical difference in the 41 to 59 age group comparing with the ≥ 60 age group. However, in the former, there are statistical differences among three age groups.Conclusion:The main etiological factors of both all of inpatients and Uighur inpatients are the same, but the sequence and age groups of etiological factors are different between the two. In the former, there are statistical differences in three age groups, however, in the latter, there are statistical differences only in two age groups.
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