牛淑亮 张艳 王水泉 古丽尼沙·克力木.师生共建实验室模式的探索[J].,2014,14(25):4968-4970
The Exploration of Teachers and Students to Construct the LaboratoryTogether
中文关键词: 师生共建  实验室  人体标本
英文关键词: Construction with teachers and students together  Laboratory construction  Human specimen
牛淑亮 张艳 王水泉 古丽尼沙·克力木 新疆医科大学基础医学院人体解剖学教研室新疆医科大学国际教育学院 
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全文下载次数: 466
      目的:探索新的人体解剖学实验教学模式和促进解剖学实验室标本建设,在提高解剖学实验教学质量同时,使实验室具有 数量可观、质量上乘,能立体、全面反映人体形态构造的标本,实现解剖学教学质量和实验室建设的共同发展。方法:组建具备良 好的职业道德、崇高的敬业精神和扎实的解剖学理论知识,又能激励和启迪学生的教学团队,遴选具有强烈的事业心,高度的责 任感和吃苦耐劳精神学生,师生互动,学生自主动手解剖尸体,制作标本,进行师生共建实验室模式的探索。结果:学生观察能力、 动手能力、学生综合素质和知识结构得到提高和强化,教师业务水平得到提高,实验室教学标本得到大量有效补充。结论:师生共 建实验室活动取得了良好效果。在推广过程中,加大对学生的人文关怀,使教师不仅是“课程的组织者、情感的支持者、学习的参 与者、信息的咨询者”更是学生“生活的关怀者”,将使本探索将更具推广意义。
      Objective:To explore new experimental teaching model of human anatomy and facilitate its construction and to improve the exprimental teaching quality of anatomy. Meanwhile, the laboratory has a considerable amount of specimens with high quality, three-dimension, full reflection to the morphological structure of human body specimens.Anatomy teaching quality and laboratory construction. achieve the mutual development.Methods:form a teaching team with good work ethic, high professionalism and a solid theoretical knowledge of anatomy, which is also capble of motivateing and inspiring students , select the students who have a strong sense of professionalism, high sense of responsibility and the spirit of hard-working .Teachers and students interact together to explore to build a laboratory model of teachers and students cooperating.Results:The ability of students to observe, operate and students' comprehensive quality, knowledge structure have been improved and strengthened, teachers improve the level of service, laboratory teaching specimens get an effective supplement.Conclusion:Activities of teachers and students to build laboratory achieved good results. In the promotion process, by increasing the student's humanistic care, teachers become not only "course organizers, supporters of emotion, learning of the participants, information consultant", but also "the students' life care giver", which will be more meaningful for the promotion of exploration.
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