康文斌 张鹏程 郭佳 朱本超 王建国.医药类高等院校生物物理课程建设的思考[J].,2014,14(25):4971-4973
The Consideration of Medical Biophysics Course Construction of MedicalUniversity
中文关键词: 生物物理  课程建设  医学院校
英文关键词: Biophysics  Course Construction  Medical University
康文斌 张鹏程 郭佳 朱本超 王建国 湖北医药学院数理教研室 
摘要点击次数: 732
全文下载次数: 983
      医用生物物理学是研究生命物质的物理性质,生命过程的物理和物理化学规律以及物理因素对生物系统作用机制的科学, 是物理学和生物学相结合而产生的一门边缘学科。在促进物理学和生命科学进步方面都显现出强大的生命力和推动力。基于医 用生物物理学发展和我校学科建设发展的现实需要,本文讨论了我校建设医用生物物理学必修课或者选修课的必要性,并从本课 程和学校学生特点两个方面考虑,对该课程建设的内容进行了初步的整合。旨在对教学内容进行整合、优化,增加一些新概念、新 知识及前沿动态,把新旧知识联系到了一起,教会学生如何应用基础知识解决问题的方法以及缓解目前学时少、内容多这一矛 盾。
      Medical biophysics is interdiscipline or edge subject, which combined with physics and life sciences and showed strong vitality and driving force in promoting the advancement of physics and life sciences. This article discussed the necessity of constructing medical biophysics based on the development of medical biophysics and the reality of the discipline construction, and consideration from the two aspects of the curriculum and characteristics of the students; This study initially integrated the course construction contents. Aimed at teaching content integration, optimization, increase the number of new concepts, new knowledge and cutting-edge dynamic, linked to the old and new knowledge, to teach students how to apply basic knowledge to solve the problem and ease the current hours less, more content of this contradiction .
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