杨智玲 吴应玲 莫海兰 谭健 李兵.高压氧的应用进展[J].,2014,14(25):4994-4996
The Application Progress of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy
中文关键词: 高压氧  应用  突发性耳聋
英文关键词: Hyperbaric oxygen  Uses  Sudden deafness
杨智玲 吴应玲 莫海兰 谭健 李兵 重庆医科大学附属第一医院耳鼻喉科 
摘要点击次数: 797
全文下载次数: 1090
      高压氧逐渐被广泛的应用于多个医疗实践领域。作为一种特殊的治疗手段,临床医生会为他们的病人提供这种治疗选择, 但对其机制却不十分了解。通过对高压氧作用机制详细阐述,为临床医生在医疗实践中提供科学依据。通过全面阐述高压氧的临床应用、并发症及禁忌症,更全面、系统的了解高压氧这种治疗手段,全面评估高压氧的治疗安全性。因高压氧具有增加氧输送、免疫功能和改变血液流变学的复合效应,而且安全性较高,用于治疗创伤、栓塞、感染等多种疾病。突发性耳聋是耳鼻咽喉科常见的急症,患者主要表现为突然发生的不同程度的感音神经聋,影响患者的生活。因目前突发性耳聋的病因尚不明确,治疗方案多种多样,如激素、抗凝药物、抗病毒药物等,但疗效均为得到肯定,无有效的统一治疗方案。通过分析评价多个随机对照试验,发现高压氧治疗可明显改善突发性耳聋(Sudden hearing loss,SHL)的听力下降,希望能为临床医生的治疗提供科学依据。可能存在其他的尚未发掘的治疗领域,期待临床上有更多的相关研究。
      Gradually, the therapy of hyperbaric oxygen was used in avarious of medical dieases. As a special treatment measure, the clinicians provide the choice for their patients, but they do not know the mechnism of treating clearly. By clarifing the mechnism of hyperbaric oxygen, we provide the scientific evidence for the clinician in the medical practice. There is some news about hyperbaric oxygen in clinical use, complications and contraindictions, to understand the hyperbaric oxygen therapy and evaluate the security. Hyperbaric oxygen has complex effects in oxygen delivery, immunizing fuction and hemorheology, and has high security, for treating various dieases, such as wounds, infection, embolism, et al. Sudden hearing loss is a emergency diease, happens to the department of otolarygology frequently.The different degree of sensorineural hearing loss is the major manifestation, affects the normal life of patients. Because the etiology is not clear, the treating methods is diverse, such as corticosteriod, anticoagulant, antivirus drugs, the effectiveness is not defined.For now, there is no the effective and uniform treating protocol. Otherwise, we find out the significant efficacy of hyperbairc oxygenation to SHL by evaluate the foreign randomed clinical controlled trails. Perhaps there is more field in medical practice is not found, hope that there is more research focus on it.
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