王朝 刘平 苏胜 冷非 关立南.糖尿病性白内障相关的酶及蛋白质[J].,2014,14(31):6180-6182
Enzymes and Proteins in Diabetic Cataract
中文关键词: 糖尿病性白内障    蛋白质
英文关键词: Diabetic cataract  Enzyme  Protein
王朝 刘平 苏胜 冷非 关立南 哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院 
摘要点击次数: 599
全文下载次数: 943
      在我国白内障是造成视力障碍的主要因素。糖尿病性白内障(DC)是糖尿病的慢性并发症之一,其致盲率仅次于糖尿病视网 膜病变(DR),糖尿病的发病率逐年上升的同时,DC 的发病率也在增加。虽然白内障手术能够治愈DC,但研究人员仍致力于研究 其发病机制以求通过药物途径治疗或预防DC。最近的研究显示,白内障的生成与晶状体内某些成分的改变有直接或间接的关 系,DC 发病过程中更是有一些特殊的改变:多元醇通路与DC 的发展有着紧密的联系,有学者认为多元醇积聚诱发了白内障形 成;氧化损伤在白内障形成过程中起了重要作用,而高血糖使得晶状体中多种抗氧化酶受损;晶状体本身是人体蛋白质含量最高 的器官,白内障本质上即为结构蛋白的变性,而某些晶状体蛋白作为结构蛋白的同时又具有功能性蛋白的特性,其性质的改变引 发晶状体混浊。本文针对DC 相关的某些晶状体蛋白及酶类的研究进展做一综述。
      In our country,cataract is one of the most important reasons of blindness. Diabetic cataract (DC) is a chronic complication of diabete, which has the second blindness rate, and the first is diabetic retinopathy. Though DC can be treated by cataract surgery, reseachers are still devoting themselves to finding out its pathogenesis in order to treat or prevent this dissease by drugs. Recently, researchers discover the relation between cataract and the transformation of some compositions in lens, and there are some special variations in DC. Polyol pathway is related with DC, some scholars think polyol accumulation induces cataract; Oxidative Stress plays an important role in process of DC,and hyperglycemia damages antioxidase activities in lens; lens has the most protein in humanbody, and denaturation of crystallins makes formation of cataract. Some crystallins are also functional proteins, changes of which make lens muddy. This article reviews the research progress of some crystallins and enzyme of DC.
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