徐孟媛 刘述川 张彦 杨雪 周晋.射频消融术治疗房颤后并发血栓栓塞形成的机制[J].,2014,14(31):6183-6185
The Mechanismin ThromboembolismFormation after RadiofrequencyCatheter Ablation Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation
中文关键词: 心房颤动  射频消融术  血栓  栓塞
英文关键词: Atrial Fibrillation  Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation  Thrombus  Embolism.
徐孟媛 刘述川 张彦 杨雪 周晋 哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院血液内科 
摘要点击次数: 748
全文下载次数: 927
      心房颤动是临床上常见的心律失常之一,可因心房丧失收缩功能及长期心率增快而导致心房内血栓形成,并脱落至身体各 处形成栓塞,严重时甚至可导致心力衰竭,增加患者的死亡率。射频消融术是目前可治愈心房颤动的有效的治疗手段,且在老年 患者中具有较高的成功率和安全性。但血栓形成和栓塞仍是其主要并发症之一,发生率甚至可高达7%,一旦栓塞事件发生,将严 重影响患者术后生存质量。目前研究结果表明,射频消融术治疗心房颤动后发生血栓及栓塞是一种多因素参与的系统性改变。
      Atrial fibrillation (AF) is a common arrhythmia in clinical, which can result in atrial thrombosis which is caused by atrial loss of systolic function and long-term heart rate faster. The thrombus fall off to throughout the body and form embolism. Severe cases can lead to heart failure, increasing the mortality in AF patients. Radiofrequency catheter ablation (RFCA) is an effective treatment currently, which can cure atrial fibrillation, and has a higher security and efficacy. However, thrombosis and embolism is still one of the major complications, the incidence is even up to 7%. Once the embolic events happen, it will affect the quality of life of patients. Recent research shows that, thromboembolismformation after RFCA of atrial fibrillation is a kind of systemchanges that involve multi-factors.
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