张翠萍 闫铁成 王兴国 肖丹.武威市2009~2012 年流感样病例监测结果分析[J].,2014,14(32):6307-6310
武威市2009~2012 年流感样病例监测结果分析
Analysis of Influenza Surveillance in Wuwei City from2009 to 2012
中文关键词: 流行性感冒  病原学  流感样病例
英文关键词: Influenza  Aetiology  Influenza-like illness
张翠萍 闫铁成 王兴国 肖丹 武威市人民医院第四军医大学流行病学教研室武威市疾病预防控制中心 
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      目的:分析探讨2009~2012 年武威市流行性感冒(简称流感)的流行特征,为流感的防控提供科学依据。方法:收集2009 年6 月~2012 年12 月武威市流感样病例及病原学监测资料,分析流感样病例就诊比(ILI%)的变化规律、流感样病例的年龄分布和流 感病毒各亚型的变化。结果:2009~2012 年,武威市的ILI%分别是1.94%、1.55%、1.12%、1.15%,ILI%高峰分别出现在6 月(2009 年)、7 月(2010 年)和10 月~次年3 月(2011 年和2012 年)。ILI年龄构成显示病例以15 岁以下人群为主。2009~2012 年,ILI样 本病原学检测阳性率为19.00%;2009 年,甲型H1N1 为优势毒株,构成比是76.64%,2010 年为季节性H3(60.00%)、B 型(29.23%) 混合流行;2011 年主要是甲型H1N1(26.47%)、季节性H3(29.41%)、A 未分型(29.41%);2012 年为季节性H3(31.78%)、B 型 (53.49%)混合流行。结论:2009 年甲型H1N1 流感大流行之后,武威市流感的活动较为平稳,流行优势毒株不断发生变化。
      Objective:To describe and analyze the influenza characteristics in Wuwei city from 2009 to 2012, and to provide a scientific basis for influenza control.Methods:Influenza-like cases data and influenza virus surveillance data of Wuwei City from June 2009 to December 2012 were collected to analyze the regularity trend of ILI%(influenza-like illness consultation ratio), the distribution of the ILI ages and the activity discipline of each influenza virus type.Results:The ILI%of 2009-2012 in Wuwei City were 1.94%, 1.55%, 1.12%and 1.15% respectively and the ILI%peak times were June (2009), July (2010) and October to the following March (2011 and 2012) respectively. The ages of ILI were mainly under 15 years. 2009-2012, the pathogen detection positive rate of ILI samples was 19.00%; 2009, A (H1N1) was the dominant strain, the constituent ratio was 76.64%; 2010, it was mixed epidemic in seasonal H3 (60.00%) and B-type (29.23%); 2011, the epidemic strain were mainlyA (H1N1)(26.47%), seasonal H3 (29.41%) and A unclassified (29.41%); 2012, it was mixed epidemic in seasonal H3 (31.78%) and B-type (53.49 %).Conclusion:After the influenza A(H1N1) 2009 pandemic, the epidemic of influenza was relatively stable in Wuwei and the epidemic strain was constantly changing.
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