杨春燕 李志超 刘伟莎.当前医患矛盾对医学生德育教育的影响与对策[J].,2014,14(32):6349-6351
The Analysis of Doctor-patient Conflicts Influence on MoralEducation of Medical Students
中文关键词: 医患关系  医学生  德育教育
英文关键词: Physician-patient Relationship  Medical Students  Moral Education
杨春燕 李志超 刘伟莎 哈尔滨医科大学江南大学 
摘要点击次数: 755
全文下载次数: 1024
      当前我国医患关系呈现为整体和谐、局部矛盾尖锐的态势,局部矛盾体现在暴力伤医事件频频发生。在缓解局部矛盾的过 程中,医学生作为青年学生,面对恶性暴力事件带来的冲击时心理生理都会受到很大影响。同时,医学生作为未来医生又直接关 系到未来医患关系的构建,因此,如何在当前特殊形势下避免医患矛盾给医学生带来不良影响,加强医学生德育教育的有效性, 成为医学生德育教育的重点和难点。本文通过分析医患矛盾成因,对医学生德育教育的影响以及对策来探讨和研究,希望为构建 和谐医患关系和医学生德育教育方面提供新的解决思路。
      At present, the doctor-patient relationship is harmonious whole, but local conflicts. The expression form the contradiction is the violence happened frequently. In the process of alleviating local conflicts, in the one hand , medical students as young students, are affected by the violence when they faced it. In another hand, medical students who are doctors in the future , are related to the construction of the doctor-patient relationship directly in the future. Therefore, under present special situation, how to avoid adverse effect for medical students both physically and psychologically, and how to enhance the effectiveness of moral education, become the focus and difficulty of moral education of medical students. In this paper, we will, through analysis the causes of conflicts, the adverse effect of the moral education of medical students and the countermeasures to explore and study how to ease the conflicts of physician-patient relationship, it is a hope to construct harmonious doctor-patient relationship moral education of medical students and provide a new solution.
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