吕冬霞 金岳雷 张玉萍 金绍静 张鹏霞.“图启”教学模式在减数分裂教学中的应用[J].,2014,14(34):6742-6744
“Pictures Enlightenment”Teaching Model in Meiosis
中文关键词: “图启”教学模式  生物图  减数分裂
英文关键词: “Pictures enlightenment”teaching model  Biological picture  Meiosis
基金项目:2011 年黑龙江省高等教育教学改革项目;佳木斯大学教学研究重点项目(2010010)
吕冬霞 金岳雷 张玉萍 金绍静 张鹏霞 佳木斯大学基础医学院 
摘要点击次数: 757
全文下载次数: 785
      生物图是细胞生物学教学的重要组成部分。利用生物图能够比较直观地解释细胞的形态结构及发育规律,便于学生对知识 的理解与应用。我们以“图”为主线在细胞生物学教学中建立了“图启”教学模式:通过教师搜集资料、修图制图获得最适合教师本 人讲授并易于学生理解的教学图片;理论教学中教师讲解图片,学生识图读图;实验教学中学生通过操作掌握基本技术和方法, 获得切片,教师引导学生认真观察,准确绘图。“图启”教学模式提高教师的修图制图能力,提高教学水平;培养学生的识图读图绘 图能力;围绕各种生物图将教师备课、授课、实践有机结合,最大限度地提高教学质量,提升了学生的综合能力。本文探讨了应用 “图启”教学模式,采用启发式教学、差异分组、任务驱动等教学方法进行减数分裂教学的过程及意义,为“图启”教学模式在细胞 生物学教学中的应用奠定基础。
      Biological picture is an important part of cell biology teaching. The use of biological picture can be intuitively explain cell shape, structure and development regularity, help students to understand and applicate knowledge. In cell biology teaching, we adapted “pictures enlightenment”teaching model: The teacher collected data, graphic drawing and obtain the most suitable pictures for teachers teaching and students can easily understand; In the teaching of theory, the teacher explained pictures and the students knowledge and interpret pictures; In the teaching of experiment teaching, the students mastered the basic techniques and methods, to obtain slices. The teacher guided students to observe, accurate drawing.“Pictures enlightenment”teaching model can help teachers improving graphic drawing ability, improve the teaching level“. Pictures enlightenment”teaching model can train students' ability of knowledge pictures, interpret pictures and drawing. The teacher prepares lessons, theoretical teaching, practical teaching to maximize the quality of teaching, enhance the comprehensive ability of students. This paper discusses the process and significance of applicating“pictures enlightenment” teaching model, the use of heuristic teaching, differences between subgroups and task-driven teaching methods, to complete teaching of meiosis. Lay the foundation for implementation of“pictures enlightenment”teaching model in cell biology teaching.
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