张晓川 侯利民 刘明辉.人参总皂甙应用及改善细胞冻存的研究进展[J].,2014,14(35):6993-6995
Clinical Application and Cell Cryopreservation Improvement of Ginsenosides
中文关键词: 人参总皂甙  临床应用  冻存细胞
英文关键词: Ginsenoside  Clinical application  Cell cryopreservation
张晓川 侯利民 刘明辉 哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院 
摘要点击次数: 659
全文下载次数: 857
      人参作为一种名贵的药材,具有多方面的作用,近年来关于人参的成分之一人参总皂甙的研究也越来越多。大量实验研究 表明,人参总皂甙对改善细胞冻存方面也有很大的作用。组织细胞经深低温冷冻技术处理后其活性能获得有效的保存,在液氮 (-196℃)温度下,细胞、组织内各种酶的活力及代谢很低,几乎为零,生命处于所谓的“停滞”状态,在该状态下细胞的活性能得到 最大限度的保存。目前常用的冷冻剂有海藻糖、丙二醇、丙三醇以及二甲基亚砜等。但这些冷冻剂均属于化学药剂,在一定程度上 会对纤维细胞造成损伤,从而影响细胞的活性。人参总皂甙是从人参中提取出来的有效成分,其具有增强人体表面细胞活性,延 缓细胞衰老的作用,为此本文将对人参总皂甙用于细胞冻存的效果进行综述,旨在为细胞的冻存技术提供参考依据。
      Ginsenoside, as a precious Chinese herb, has a variety of functions, recently more and more researches have been done on it, many of which have showed ginsenoside has a power on cell cryopreservation. Tissue cells after deep cryogenic technology processing activity can get effective preservation, at the temperature of liquid nitrogen (-196 ℃ ), the activity in the organization and metabolism ofcells and enzyme is very low, almost zero, and it is the so-called "dead" state, and the maximum of the preservation of the activity of cells can be obtained in this state. Currently used refrigerant is trehalose, propylene, glycol, glycerin, dimethyl, sulfoxide and so on. However, these refrigerants are chemicals, it can do some damages to the cells in a certain extent, which affects the activity of the cells. Ginsenosides are the active ingredients extracted from ginseng which can enhance the body surface cell activity and slow cellsenescence. This overview article will provide a referencence for the cell cryopreservation technology.
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