付鹤玲1 仝欣2 郑媛1 李蕾2 李建民.常用麻醉剂对麻醉小鼠超声心功能的影响[J].,2014,14(36):7025-7029
Effects of Common Anesthetic Agents on Cardiac Function duringEchocardiography in Mice
中文关键词: 麻醉  小动物高频心脏超声  心功能
英文关键词: Anesthetic  High-resolution echocardiography  Cardiac function
付鹤玲1 仝欣2 郑媛1 李蕾2 李建民 南京医科大学医药动物实验基地
摘要点击次数: 863
全文下载次数: 2239
      目的:比较常见的多种麻醉剂对小鼠心脏超声结果的影响。方法:C57BL/6 小鼠25 只,随机分5 组,每组5 只。首先在清醒状 态下,借助小动物高频超声系统(Vevo2100)评价小鼠心功能,然后分别用戊巴比妥钠、水合氯醛、三溴乙醇、氯胺酮/地西泮及异 氟烷麻醉,再次对心功能进行评价。比较6 种不同处理情况下,超声反映的小鼠心功能的差异。结果:与清醒状态相比,5 种麻醉方 式下,小鼠的心率及心功能均有不同程度降低。其中,戊巴比妥钠、水合氯醛、三溴乙醇及异氟烷麻醉组的左心收缩功能显著降低 (P < 0.01),而氯胺酮/ 地西泮麻醉的小鼠与清醒组相比,收缩功能无明显差异(P > 0.05),但其余参数也有显著差异(P < 0.01)。结 论:不论何种麻醉方式,都会对小鼠心率及心功能造成一定影响,但其同组内仍具有可比性;因此应根据现实条件及实验需要选 择麻醉剂,并贯彻始终,保持试验中麻醉条件的一致性。
      Objective:To compare the effects of various anesthetic agents on cardiac function in mice undergoing high-resolution echocardiography.Methods:25 mice (C57BL/6) were randomly divided into 5 groups (n=5), and anesthetized with intraperitoneal thioethamyl (TA), chloral hydrate (CH), tribromoethanol (TBE), ketamine- diazepine (KD), or inhaled isoflurane (Isf). The cardiac function of conscious mice and anesthetic mice was evaluated by echocardiography using a high-resolution ultrasonic system for small animals (Vevo2100).Results:Compared with the conscious mice, all anesthetic mice of 5 different groups showed decrease of cardiac function in varying degrees. Mice from TA, CH, TBE and Isf group showed significant decreased left ventricular systolic function (P < 0.01). The EF and FS values of KD group showed little difference fromthe conscious ones (P > 0.05), but differences of other parameters were great (P < 0.01).Conclusion:Common anesthetic agents always depressed the HR and cardiac function of mice, but mice which underwent the same anesthesia condition had comparability. In echocardiography experiments, we should choose proper anesthetic agents according to the demand, and keep consistent during the whole experiment.
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