孙虹 管锦群 王婷 王姗姗 杨扬 王振福.帕金森病衣架样疼痛及治疗策略[J].,2014,14(36):7064-7066
Coat-hanger Ache in Parkinson Disease and Treatment Strategy
中文关键词: 帕金森病  衣架样疼痛  体位性低血压
英文关键词: Parkinson disease  Coat-hanger ache  Orthostatic hypotension
孙虹 管锦群 王婷 王姗姗 杨扬 王振福 解放军总医院南楼神经内科 
摘要点击次数: 774
全文下载次数: 1131
      目的:衣架样疼痛(coat-hanger ache, CHA)是帕金森病(Parkinson disease, PD)疼痛的一个少见类型,本文研究帕金森病合并 衣架样疼痛的血压状况及治疗策略。方法:本文以15 例伴有CHA 的PD 患者为研究对象,以不伴有CHA 年龄、性别大致匹配的 PD病人为对照,观察两组病人卧立位血压的变化及CHA组直立后出现疼痛的时间和评分,找到相应的治疗措施。结果:CHA组 伴有体位性低血压(orthostatic hypotension, OH)的比例为80%,明显高于对照组(33%),站立后出现疼痛的时间为7.2± 1.2,疼痛 评分为3.5± 2.1,给予改善OH的物理及药物治疗,大部分DHA 病人有效。结论:PD 病人伴有CHA 可能与OH 有关,改善血压状 况后部分有效。
      Objective:Coat-hanger ache (CHA) is a rare type of pain in Parkinson disease (PD). The aim is to investigate the change of blood pressure in PD patients with CHA and the treatment strategy.Methods:15 PD patients with CHA compared with non-CHA PD group. All patients were given supine-standing blood pressure measure. Time of CHA appearance from standing up was calculated.Results:80% CHA group patients coupled with OH, obviously higher than non-CHA PD group. The time from standing to CHA appearance was 7.2± 1.2. Pain score was 3.5± 2.1. Most of CHA patients was relieved after physical and drug therapy of OH.Conclusion:PD patients coupled with CHA is probably related to OH. Improving OH state is effective for PD coupled with CHA.
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