靳明旭 张娣 马跃虎 苏浩波 殷信道 顾建平.肠系膜上动脉栓塞临床表现及影像特征研究[J].,2014,14(36):7100-7104
Study of Clinical Features and Image Characteristics of Superior MesentericArtery Embolism
中文关键词: 肠系膜上动脉  栓塞  血管造影  体层摄影
英文关键词: Superior mesenteric artery  Embolism  Angiography  Computed tomography
靳明旭 张娣 马跃虎 苏浩波 殷信道 顾建平 南京医科大学附属南京医院(南京市第一医院) 
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      目的:探讨肠系膜上动脉栓塞(superior mesenteric artery embolism,SMA embolism)临床及影像特征,以及时准确诊断从而改 善病人预后。方法:搜集我院2011 年7 月至2014 年8 月临床诊断为SMA 栓塞的患者24 例,回顾性分析其临床及影像资料。结 果:24 例SMA 栓塞发病年龄51~84 岁,平均71.9± 8.1 岁;临床均表现为突发腹痛(24/24,100 %),腹痛多持续不缓解(18/24,75 %),少有放射痛(1/24,4.17 %),多伴有恶心呕吐(16/24,66.67 %)、腹泻便血(15/24,62.5 %),体格检查多有肠鸣音亢进 (19/24,79.17 %),少有腹膜刺激征(2/24,8.33 %)。多合并高血压(18/24,75 %)、房颤(16/24,66.67 %)、冠心病(14/24,58.33 %)、心 脏瓣膜病变(6/24,25 %)及其他周围动脉栓塞(9/24,37.5 %)。临床上符合SMA 栓塞三联征中至少两项特征20例(83.33%),具备 典型三联征13 例(54.17%)。MSCTA 或DSA 均表现为SMA 主干截断或充盈缺损(24/24,100 %),栓塞位置多位于第1空肠动脉 起始至回结肠动脉起始水平段(18/24,75 %),栓塞远端分支血管多显影不良(23/24,95.83 %),少有侧枝循环形成(3/24,12.5 %)。 MSCTA 显示栓塞段血管密度多有增高(12/17,70.59 %),少有管径增粗(3/17,17.65 %)及脂肪间隙模糊(2/17,11.76 %)。肠管多有 缺血改变(15/17,88.24 %),肠系膜多增粗模糊(15/17,88.24 %),腹水少见(1/17,5.82 %)。结论:SMA 栓塞临床和影像具有一定的 特征性,临床怀疑SMA 栓塞应及早行MSCTA 或DSA 明确诊断。
      Objective:To study the clinical and image features of superior mesenteric artery embolism (SMA embolism), in order to provide timely diagnosis and improve its prognosis.Methods:The clinical and image date of 24 patients treated from July 2011 to August 2014 were retrospectively reviewed.Results:All cases were complaint of sudden abdominal pain, more were lasting and no remission (18/24, 75 %), less was pain radiation (1/24, 4.17 %), more accompanied by nausea and vomiting (16/24, 66.67 %), diarrhea and hematochezia (15/24, 62.5 %). Hyperactive bowel sounds were usually detected in physical examination (19/24, 79.17 %), and few peritoneal irritation were shown (2/24, 8.33 %). Many patients complicated with hypertension (18/24, 75 %), atrial fibrillation (16/24, 66.67 %), coronary heart disease (14/24, 58.33 %), valvular heart disease (6/24, 25 %) and other peripheral arterial embolism (9/24, 37.5 %). Clinical conforms to the SMA embolismtriad in at least two features in 20 cases (83.33 %), including 13 cases of typical triad (54.17 %). All cases presented truncation or filling defect sign in MSCTA or DSA image (24/24, 100 %), embolism frequently located in first jejunal artery to ileocolic artery horizontal segment (18/24, 75 %). Distal vessels and branches were usually not developed or developing sparse (23/24, 95.83 %), and few collateral circulation were shown (3/24, 12.5 %). MSCTA displayed relative density increasing (12/17, 70.59 %), less diameter enlarge (3/17, 17.65 %), fat interval fuzzy (2/17, 11.76 %) of embolism vascular segments. Different levels of intestinal ischemia were usually detected (15/17, 88.24 %), as well as mesenteric fuzzy or limitation effusion (15/17, 88.24 %), but few ascites (1/17, 5.82 %).Conclusion:SMA embolism has certain characteristics in clinical and imaging, and MSCTA or DSA should be applied for the early diagnosis of SMA embolism.
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