张娟 王兴 孙洋 张珊珊 杨振祥.第一磨牙窝沟封闭预防龋病的两年临床疗效观察[J].,2015,15(1):107-109
A Two-years Clinical Observation on the Effect of Pit and Fissure Sealing inthe Prevention of Caries on First Molars
中文关键词: 口腔健康干预  窝沟封闭  第一磨牙  龋病发病率
英文关键词: Oral health intervention  Pit and fissure sealing  The first molar  Caries incidence
张娟 王兴 孙洋 张珊珊 杨振祥 解放军第四十四医院口腔科第四军医大学西京医院 
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      目的:评估窝沟封闭对预防第一磨牙窝沟龋的2 年临床疗效。方法:选择贵阳市花溪区200 名7-9 岁经家长同意并签署窝沟 封闭知情同意书的学生为实验组,进行第一磨牙窝沟封闭;因家长不同意而未进行窝沟封闭的200 名同龄学生为对照组,两年内 复查两组的龋病发病率和封闭剂的保留情况。结果:实验组窝沟封闭后第一年、第二年第一磨牙龋病的发生率分别为1.50 %和 1.01 %,而对照组分别为4.00 %和6.57 %,第二年实验组的第一磨牙龋病发病率显著低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。实 验组第一年、第二年的封闭剂完全保留率分别是85.5 %和80.4 %。结论:窝沟封闭作为一项健康干预措施,能有效降低学生的龋 病发病率。
      Objective:To evaluate the 2-year clinical efficacy of pit and fissure sealing in the prevention of pit and fissure caries of the first permanent molars.Methods:200 students aged between 7-9 from Huaxi district, Guiyang, whose parents agreed to the prevention and signed informed consent were selected as the experimental group and were given fissure sealing on first molars. Another 200 students whose parents disagreed were selected as control group. The clinical effect were observed between two groups after 1 and 2 years’fissure sealing.Results:In the following 1 year and 2 years, the caries incidence of the first molars of the treatment group were 1.50 % and 1.01 %, while the incidence of the control group were 4.00 % and 6.57 %, respectively. The caries incidence of the first molars of the treatment group was statistically lower than that of the control group at the 2-year point (P<0.05). The complete sealant retention rates of treatment group were repectively 85.5 % and 80.4 % in the following 1 and 2 years.Conclusion:As a health intervention, the pit and fissure sealing could effectively reduce the incidence of caries in the students.
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