陈和敏 申婷 游晶 张茹意 杨波 陈思如.Th17 细胞的分化、调节及其主要细胞因子和功能[J].,2015,15(1):191-194
Th17 细胞的分化、调节及其主要细胞因子和功能
Differentiation, Adjustment of Th 17 and it's Main Cytokines and Function
中文关键词: Th17 细胞  IL-17  IL-21
英文关键词: T help cell 17  Interleukin 17  Interleukin 21
陈和敏 申婷 游晶 张茹意 杨波 陈思如 昆明医科大学第一附属医院感染性疾病科 
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      近几年来以分泌白介素17(interleukin 17, IL-17)为特征的辅助性T细胞Th17(T help cell 17, Th17)细胞被认为是有区别于 Th1(T help cell 1, Th1)、Th2(T help cell 2, Th2)新型的细胞亚群,它的发现改变了以往人们只将Th 细胞分为Th1、Th2 的传统分 类认识。Th17 细胞参与了自身免疫疾病、肿瘤的发生及机体各种炎症的发病机制,其分泌的细胞因子在生物学功能中发挥了极其 重要的作用。同时Th17 细胞的活化需要各种转化生长因子、IL-6(interleukin 6, IL-6)、IL-23(interleukin 23, IL-23)等细胞因子的参 与,活化的Th17 细胞同时再进一步的促进各种细胞因子的分泌,以通过分泌IL-17、IL-21(interleukin 21, IL-21)、IL-22(interleukin 22, IL-22)、IL-26(interleukin 26, IL-26)、肿瘤坏死因子(tumor necrosis factor,TNF)alpha等细胞因子导致机体炎症等各种疾病的发生。
      In recent years, Th17 cell characterized by secreting IL-17 is a cell subset supposed to be different from Th1 and Th2 cells, it is found that has changed people traditional classification recognition that Th cells are only classified into Th1 and Th2. Th17 cell are involved in the autoimmune disease, the occurrence of tumor and the pathogenesis of various inflammation, that secreting cytokines play an important role in biological functions of Th17. At the same time, the activation of Th17 cells needs various growth factors, cytokines such as IL-6 and IL-23, Th17 cell activated further promotes the secretion of various cytokines, and causes inflammation by secreting cytokines such as IL-17, IL-21, IL-21, IL-26 and TNF-alpha.
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