朱欢 高炳宏 梁世雷 张昊楠 王玉新 刘婷婷.赛艇运动员重大比赛前不同训练阶段无创微循环相关指标变化初步研究[J].,2015,15(10):1927-1930
Preliminary Study on Change of Noninvasive Indicators of Microcirculationin Different Training Periods before Major Competition of Rowers
中文关键词: 赛艇运动员  肱二头肌  无创微循环相关指标  不同训练阶段
英文关键词: Rowers  Biceps brachii  Noninvasive indicators of microcirculation  Different training periods
朱欢 高炳宏 梁世雷 张昊楠 王玉新 刘婷婷 上海体育学院运动科学学院上海体育科学研究所上海水上运动中心 
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      目的:探讨不同训练负荷结构下赛艇运动员无创微循环指标变化特点,为进一步完善无创微循环指标在运动员机能状态监 控中的应用提供参考与借鉴。方法:2013 年7 月国家青年赛艇队作了世界青年锦标赛的最后备战训练,整个备战训练分为强度训 练期及接下来的调整期,强度训练期主要以500 m、1000 m专项速度练习为主,其训练强度较大,而调整期主要以有氧长划为主, 训练强度较小;以8 名女性赛艇运动员为研究对象,应用PeriFlux System5000 系列激光多普勒血流仪对8 名运动员早晨空腹安 静、坐位状态下右臂肱二头肌隆起最高处微循环相关指标进行测试,其中强度训练期结束时及接下来的调整期结束时各测试一 次,通过对两个阶段无创微循环相关指标变化特点分析,进而对运动员竞技状态作出判断。结果:除运动血细胞浓度 (Concentration of moving blood cells,CMBC),调整期微循环血流灌注量(Microcirculatory blood perfusion,MBP)、血细胞平均运行 速度( Average velocity of blood cells,AVBC )、经皮氧分压(Transcutaneous oxygen pressure, TcpO2)均明显高于强度训练期(P< 0.05)。结论:不同训练负荷下无创微循环相关指标呈现出不同的变化特点,低强度负荷下无创微循环相关指标呈现出上升趋势, 而高强度负荷下则呈现下降趋势。
      Objective:To discuss the features of noninvasive indicators of microcirculation change of elite rowers in different training periods before major competition, so as to provide reference for the related studies.Methods:In July 2013, the national youth rowing team made the final preparations for the world youth rowing championship, the whole preparation training was divided into strength training period and the adjustment period, and the training of strength training period mainly by special speed practice of 500 and 1000, and the sport intensity was huge; the training of adjustment period mainly by aerobic dashes, and the sport intensity was small. 8 female rowers were tested at the top of biceps brachii in the fasting state by using PeriFlux System5000, and measured at a time during strength training period and adjustment period. The change of noninvasive indicators of microcirculation was analyzed in different training periods, and then making a judgment of athlete's conditioning and performance was made.Results:Except for concentration of moving blood cells (CMBC), microcirculatory blood perfusion (MBP), average velocity of blood cells (AVBC) and transcutaneous oxygen pressure (TcpO2) in the adjustment period are significantly higher than in the strength training period (P<0.05).Conclusion:There are changes of noninvasive indicators of microcirculation at different training periods. In low intensity load, the noninvasive indicators of microcirculation appear to be increasing, and in high intensity load the noninvasive indicators of microcirculation show a downward trend.
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