王东 杨欣 王之发 戴太强 刘彦普.非诱导脂肪干细胞膜片复合PRF修复兔髁状突软骨缺损[J].,2015,15(11):2056-2060
The Study of Uninduced ADSCs Membrane and PRF Compound forRepairing Rabbits' Cartilage Defect in the Mandibular Condyle
中文关键词: 关节软骨  缺损  脂肪间充质干细胞  富血小板纤维蛋白  髁状突
英文关键词: Articular cartilage  Defect  Adipose derived stemcells  Platelet rich fibrin  Condyle
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(81070820);陕西省"13115" 科技创新工程重大科技专项项目(2009ZDKG-74)
王东 杨欣 王之发 戴太强 刘彦普 第四军医大学口腔医院口腔颌面外科 
摘要点击次数: 923
全文下载次数: 983
      目的:探索非诱导ADSCs膜片/PRF复合植入物修复兔子下颌骨髁状突软骨缺损的可行性及效果。方法:选取36 只3 月龄 新西兰雄性大白兔,随机分为3 个组即ADSCs 膜片/PRF组、PRF 组、空白对照组,在3%戊巴比妥钠麻醉下解剖暴露出髁状突关 节面并用裂钻分别在双侧髁状突软骨面上制备一3 mm直径、3 mm深的髁突表面软骨缺损区,按实验设计每个分组分别填入相 应的植入物。分别在术后4 周、8 周、12 周处死相应时间点的动物采集髁突标本,标本进行大体及组织学检查比较。结果:术后12 周时空白对照组的下颌髁状突软骨缺损未能修复,PRF组有少量不规则、不连续的软骨形成,ADSCs 膜片/PRF 组的修复效果较 好,表面软骨接近正常纤维软骨,与周围软骨连续性较好。组织学染色也显示ADSCs膜片/PRF组优于PRF组和空白对照组。结 论:证明了ADSCs 膜片/PRF复合物修复髁状突软骨缺损的可行性。
      Objective:To explore the feasibility and effect of implantation of uninduced adipose derived stemcells (ADSCs) and platelet rich fibrin (PRF) composite on repair of cartilage defect in the mandibular condyle.Methods:36 male New Zealand rabbits were randomly divided into 3 groups, i.e. ADSCs membrane/PRF group, PRF group and control group. In 3%sodiumpentobarbital anesthesia, a critical-sized osteochondral defect, which was 3 mm in width and 3 mm in depth, was created in the mandibular condyle. Each packet are filled into the corresponding implants according to the experimental design. The rabbits were killed after 4 weeks, 8 weeks and 12 weeks respectively to obtain the specimens of condyle and then the specimens were analyzed by comparing for gross observation and histological examination.Results:12 weeks after operation, the blank control group of mandibular condyle cartilage defect could not be repaired, the PRF group has a few irregular and discontinuous cartilage formation, the group of ADSCs membrane and PRF compound has more reconstructive cartilage, the newly formed cartilage is close to the normal cartilage and it has better continuity with the surrounding cartilage. Histological staining also showed the ADSCs membrane and PRF group is better than PRF group and control group.Conclusion:To prove the feasibility of ADSCs membrane and PRF compound to repair the defect of condylar cartilage.
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