陈召 李小飞 周勇安 闫小龙 王居正 卢强.联合PBL和TBL教学法在胸外科临床实习教学中的应用研究[J].,2015,15(11):2141-2144
Applied Research of Combining Problem-based Learning with Team-basedLearning Teaching mode in Clinical Clerkship Teaching of ThoracicSurgery
中文关键词: 胸外科临床实习教学  以问题为中心教学法  以小组为中心教学法
英文关键词: Clinical clerkship teaching of thoracic surgery  Problem-based learning  Team-based learning
陈召 李小飞 周勇安 闫小龙 王居正 卢强 第四军医大学唐都医院胸腔外科第四军医大学研究生院 
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      目的:通过实践教学、问卷调查和闭卷考试等方法探索以问题为中心教学法(PBL)与以小组为中心教学法(TBL)应用于胸 外科临床实习教学的效果。方法:组织2013 年2 月至2014 年2 月期间在第四军医大学唐都医院实习的五年制临床医学专业学 生共180 人,其中教学改革组与传统教学组各90 人,将所有学生随机分为12 批,每批15 人,每批学生的性别及入学成绩均无统 计学差异,所有学生分批到胸腔外科实习。在学习结束时,采用不记名问卷调查和闭卷考试的形式,进行临床思维能力和教学效 果的评价。结果:结果显示教学改革组的临床思维能力优于传统教学组,且教学改革组的教学效果也更受支持。结论:采用联合 PBL和TBL的双轨教学法有助于提高学生的临床思维能力,可有效提高学习效果。
      Objective:To research the effectiveness of combining problem-based learning with team-based learning teaching mode on clinical clerkship teaching of thoracic surgery by teaching practice, anonymous questionnaire and closed-book exam.Methods:180 5-year-program clinical medicine students who practice in TangDu Hospital of Fourth Military Medical University from February 2013 to February 2014 were organized. These students were divided into two groups: the reform group and the traditional group, each group has 90 students. All students were divided into 12 batches randomly, each batch has 15 students. There was no significant difference in gender and admission scores for each group of students with every batch practice in thoracic surgery in turn. At the end of the clinical clerkship, the anonymous questionnaires and closed-book exam has been used to evaluate the ability of clinical thinking and effectiveness of the two teaching mode.Results:The result revealed that the reform group was superior to traditional teaching group in the cultivation of clinical thinking, and the effectiveness of teaching mode were more supported in the cultivation of clinical thinking.Conclusion:PBL+TBL teaching mode can actively help to improve students' ability of clinical thinking, and can improve learning effect.
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