张祥武 黄云超 雷玉洁 杨堃 陈颖.大肠杆菌鞭毛调控基因flhDC 与生物材料植入感染的研究进展[J].,2015,15(12):2355-2357
大肠杆菌鞭毛调控基因flhDC 与生物材料植入感染的研究进展
Progress on Biomaterial Centered Infection and s FlagellaRegulator Genes flhDC
中文关键词: 大肠杆菌  flhDC  生物材料植入感染  细菌生物膜
英文关键词: flhDC  Implant-Associated Infection (IAI)  Bacterial biofilm(BF)
张祥武 黄云超 雷玉洁 杨堃 陈颖 昆明医科大学第三附属医院云南省肿瘤医院胸外科一病区昆明医科大学第一附属医院麻醉科 
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      随着生物材料被广泛应用于临床,生物材料植入感染成为令人棘手的常见医院内感染,有报道占院内感染的50%,大肠杆 菌是临床以生物材料为中心感染的优势菌种。生物材料表面的细菌生物膜使其膜内细菌能有效抵御抗生素治疗和机体的防御反 应,是导致生物材料为中心感染难以控制的根源。大肠杆菌的运动性与细菌生物膜形成密切相关,鞭毛是大肠杆菌的运动器官, 鞭毛的生成需要三级基因的表达,操纵子flhDC编码鞭毛生成的一级主调控基因。我们推测:" 鞭毛调控基因flhDC 的表达→鞭 毛的生成→细菌的运动性→细菌生物膜形成" 之间存在着一一对应的关系,这为临床防治生物材料植入感染提供新思路。本文就 以大肠杆菌鞭毛调控基因flhDC 与生物材料植入感染做一简要综述。
      As Biomaterials has been widely used in clinical, BCI (Biomaterial centered infection) has already become a serious problemin Nosocomial Infection. It was reported that, the BCI accounts for 50%Nosocomial Infection. ( ) is one of the most common microorganisms associated with BCI. The formation of Bacterial biofilm (BF) on the surface of Biomaterials is the main reason that BCI can't be controlled. In the BF state, microorganisms are relatively immune to antibodies and resistant to conventional antimicrobial agents. The motility of is closely related to BF formation, and flagella is the sport organs of . The generation of flagella need 3 levels gene expression, and operon flhDC is the first level and master control gene. We speculate that: There are one-to-one relationship with The expression of operon flhDC→The generation of flagella→The motility of →Bacteria biofilm formation, which provides new ideas for clinical prevention and treatment of IAI. In this paper, in order to make a brief review on the relationship of 's flagella regulator genes flhDC and Implant-Associated Infection caused by .
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