周敏 闻娟 李煌△.Flexcell 系统加载周期性张应变对不同细胞增殖凋亡活性的影响[J].,2015,15(13):2535-2539
Flexcell 系统加载周期性张应变对不同细胞增殖凋亡活性的影响
Impact on Proliferation and Apoptosis Activities of Different Cells uponCyclic Strain Stress Loaded by Flexcell Device
中文关键词: 周期性张应变  Flexcell加力装置  增殖  凋亡
英文关键词: Cyclic strain  Flexcell loading device  Proliferation  Apoptosis
周敏 闻娟 李煌△ 南京大学口腔医学院南京大学医学院附属口腔医院 
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      力学刺激参与调节体内细胞多种生命活动,如增殖、凋亡、分化等。其中周期性张应变作为机体最常见的一种受力模式,广 泛存在于骨关节运动系统,心血管系统,呼吸系统等。然而体内力学环境十分复杂,影响因素颇多,给类似的生物力学相关基础研 究带来了诸多不便。Flexcell 作为一种新型的体外培养细胞的力学加载装置,可将复杂的体内力学刺激简化模拟出来,提供包括周 期性张应变等多种力学刺激加载方式,这对生物力学的研究是一个极大的促进。多项研究已发现Flexcell装置提供的周期性张应 变加载可引起受力细胞的增殖和凋亡活性改变,这种改变出现的程度与时机却颇有争议,类似的研究也可能出现相反的结论,这 与体外受力细胞的自身类型状态,Flexcell 系统下所设定的周期性张应变施力参数(周期性张应变大小,作用时间,作用频率,力学 波形)均有关联。本文就Flexcell系统下加载周期性张应变对不同细胞增殖和凋亡活动的影响做一综述。理解这些特性,将对因病 理力学刺激下增殖凋亡平衡发生紊乱而导致的相关疾病的预防与治疗有着重要的指导意义。
      Mechanical stimulation is involved in the regulation of various cell life activities,such as proliferation, apoptosis and differentiation. As the most common formof mechanical stress in our body, cyclic strain widely exist in bone and joint system, cardiovascular system, respiratory system and so on. However, mechanical environment in vivo is very complex and affected by quite a lot of factors, so it is very unconvenient to do basic research related to biomechanics. With the emergence of stress loading device in vitro like Flexcell, we can simplify the complex mechanical stimulation in vivo, for Flexcell can provide many mechanical stimulation loading, including cyclic strain. Thus it will be a great promotion for biomechanics research. A number of studies have proved that cyclic strain provided by Flexcell device will cause proliferation and apoptotic activity change of the cell under strain stress. However the change may differ in similar studies, even the opposite way. Moreover, this change is associated with the cell type and state, various loading parameters of cyclic strain (the magnitude, loading time, loading frequency and loading waveform). In this paper, the impact on cell proliferation and apoptosis activities caused by cyclic strain loading under Flexcell device were reviewed. Understanding these characteristics could have important implications for the prevention and treatment of diseases due to proliferation and apoptosis disorder under pathologic mechanical stimulation.
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