陈琦 杨骐昌 宋晓峰 韩平.Wnt信号转导通路与神经发育研究进展[J].,2015,15(15):2978-2980
Multiple Role of Wnt Signal Pathway in Nervous SystemDevelopment
中文关键词: Wnt/beta-catenin  Wnt/Ryk  神经发育  信号途径
英文关键词: Wnt/beta-catenin  Wnt/Ryk  Nervous systemdevelopment  Signal pathway
陈琦 杨骐昌 宋晓峰 韩平 南京航空航天大学生物医学工程系南京医科大学第一附属医院 
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      Wnt 蛋白是一类分泌型糖蛋白家族,Wnt信号蛋白与细胞表面的多种受体相互作用,参与诸多生命过程。对神经系统发育的 研究表明,Wnt信号通路在神经发生,神经祖细胞增值、分化,神经干细胞的自我更新,轴突导向等过程中起重要调控作用。多项研 究已经证实,Wnt通路失调与诸多神经系统疾病有密切关系。Wnt信号通路的突变或异常,将会引起神经系统发育缺陷。然而,对 Wnt非经典信号通路的研究,尤其是新受体Ryk 的调控作用的认识迄今仍不全面。根据国内外相关研究,阐述了经典Wnt信号 通路Wnt/beta-catenin途径的同时也对Wnt/Ryk 非经典信号途径这一研究新领域做了讨论。在非经典信号通路中,Ryk-ICD 的剪接 对于前体细胞的神经分化起重要作用。本文分析了Wnt/beta-catenin 和Wnt/Ryk 信号通路在神经发育中的作用,有助于深入理解神 经发育过程中Wnt信号通路的作用机制。然而,Ryk-ICD引导因子、分子机制等问题仍待进一步研究,而这将有利于理解神经干 细胞分化机理。
      The wnt families are the type of glycocalyx .The interactions of Wnt families and their receptors are involved in many aspects of biological processes. The Wnt signal pathway is a key regulators for neurogenesis, proliferation and differentiation of neural progenitor cells, the self-renewal of neural stem cell, the establishment of axon tracts. Many nerve diseases could be occurred with Wnt pathways disorders. Mutations in the Wnt pathway transduction cascade cause a variety of neurological deficits. And yet the non canonical Wnt signals, especially the regulation function of new receptor Ryk, are not clear. Ryk-ICD plays an important role in precursor cells differentiation process. Here, we analyze the role of Wnt pathway during nervous system development. Influences on the pathways of canonical Wnt/ 茁-catenin and non canonical Wnt/Ryk signal are overviewed. However, such problems as Ryk - ICD leading factor, molecular mechanismremains to be further studied, and this will be conducive to understand the mechanismof neural stem cells differentiation.
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