王端平 高博 薛东波 赵松 张伟辉.自噬在胰腺炎中的研究及进展[J].,2015,15(15):2993-2996
Autophagy Research and Progress in Acute Pancreatitis
中文关键词: 自噬  胰腺腺泡细胞  胰蛋白酶  溶酶体  组织蛋白酶  溶酶体相关膜蛋白
英文关键词: Macroautophagy  Acinar cell  Trypsin  Lysosome  Cathepsin  Lysosome associated membrane protein
王端平 高博 薛东波 赵松 张伟辉 哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院 
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      自噬是广泛存在于真核细胞内的一种溶酶体依赖性降解途径, 作为细胞生存的一种机制,在很多生理过程如清除损伤、衰 老细胞器以及冗余蛋白上发挥重要作用。自噬在人类胰腺炎的研究最早由Helin 等人早在1980 年提出,随着不断深入研究,发现 自噬在胰腺炎发生发展过程中起主导作用。急性胰腺炎是一种发病率和死亡率极高的疾病,目前表明这种疾病始于胰腺腺泡细 胞,主要诊断指标为高淀粉酶血症,胰腺腺泡细胞内消化酶的激活、液泡的大量堆积和炎症因子的聚集,最终胰腺炎症细胞侵润 及引起的全身炎症反应导致腺泡细胞的凋亡和坏死,在其发病机制和治疗方面仍需进一步研究探讨。本文综述近年最新研究成 果,深入探讨自噬在胰腺炎中的研究及进展。
      Autophagy which is the lysosome dependent degradative pathway widely exists in eukaryotic cells .as a mechanism for cell survival, autophagy plays an important role in many physiological processes, such as the elimination of damaging, aging organelles and redundant protein. The research about autophagy in pancreatitis is first introduced by Helin in 1980, a deeper study shows that autophagy plays a leading role in the occurrence and development of pancreatitis.Acute pancreatitis is potential disease with high morbidity and mortality ,At present, the research shows that the disease begins in pancreatic acinar cells, the main diagnostic index is hyperamylasemia, activation of digestive enzyme in the pancreatic acinar cells and the aggregation of inflammatory factor, finally ,the inflammatory cell infiltration and systemic inflammatory responsing lead to apoptosis and necrosis of acinar cells, but its pathogenesis and treatment still needs further development. This paper will summarize the latest research achievements ,and discusses the research and progress of autophagy in pancreatitis deeply.
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