黄莲芬 谢永强 邓秋连 钟华敏 刘海英 周珍文.483例儿童扁桃体腺样体肥大分离菌的分布和药敏特征[J].,2015,15(23):4492-4497
Analysis of the Distribution of Pathogenic Bacteriumand its Drug ResistanceCharacteristics in 483 Samples fromTonsil Adenoidectomy in Children
中文关键词: 扁桃体  腺样体  分离菌  耐药
英文关键词: Tonsil  Adenoid  Pathogenic bacteria  Drug resistance
黄莲芬 谢永强 邓秋连 钟华敏 刘海英 周珍文 广州市妇女儿童医疗中心广州市儿童医院检验科 
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      目的:分析儿童手术切除的扁桃体腺样体分离菌的分布及药敏特征,为其临床预防和治疗提供指导。方法:将483 例扁桃体 腺样体进行细菌培养,分析潜在致病菌组成及其药敏特征。结果:扁桃体和腺样体的细菌培养阳性率分别为66.43%和52.88%,主 要病原菌及其分离率分别为金黄色葡萄球菌(20.71%)、流感嗜血杆菌(15.11%)、肺炎链球菌(10.97%)、A 群链球菌(6.42%),金黄色 葡萄球菌对青霉素的耐药率达82%,21%菌株为MRSA,流感嗜血杆菌茁- 内酰酶检测阳性率为30.92%,复方新诺明和氨苄西林 耐药率较高,分别为50.69%和30.14%,肺炎链球菌对青霉素耐药率为32.08%,红霉素、四环素、复方新诺明耐药率高,分别为 81.13%、79.25%和69.81%,A 群链球菌对青霉素仍然100%敏感,红霉素、克林霉素、四环素的耐药率高,分别为83.87%、77.42%、 58.06%。结论:扁桃体和腺样体主要分离菌有金黄色葡萄球菌、流感嗜血杆菌、肺炎链球菌、A 群链球菌,不同检出菌的耐药性差 异明显,临床可根据常见检出分离菌的分布及药敏特征预防和治疗感染。
      Objective:To explore the distribution of isolated bacteria and its drug susceptibility feature in culture of tissues from tonsil adenoidectomy in children, and provide instructions for the clinical prevention and treatment.Methods:483 cases of adenoid tonsil samples were collected for bacterial culture, the main isolated bacteria and drug susceptibility feature were analyzed.Results:The positive rate of pathogenic bacteria was 66.43%and 52.88%for tonsil and adenoid samples respectively. There were four main bacteria, including , , , , which accounted for 20.71%, 15.11%, 10.97%, 6.42% respectively. had a resistant rate of 82% to penicillin, of which 21% isolates were MRSA. While for , the positive rate of beta-lactamase was 30.92%, with a high resistant rate of 50.69% and 30.14% to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole and ampicillin respectively. had a resistant rate of 32.08%to penicillin, with a high resistant rate of 81.13%, 79.25%and 69.81%to erythromycin, tetracycline, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole respectively. For group A streptococcus, no resistance to penicillin was detected, with a high resistant rate of 83.87%, 77.42% and 58.06% for erythromycin, clindamycin, tetracycline.Conclusion:The main isolated potential pathogenic bacteria included , , , . There were obvious differences of the drug resistance among them, which could afford good instructions for its clinical prevention and treatment of pediatric tonsil and adenoid infection.
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