曹春 张亚华 黄亚渝 陈协群 高广勋.新形势下军队院校与非军队院校医学生的就业观调查[J].,2015,15(23):4572-4576
The Investigation of Medical Students' Employment View in New Situationbetween Military Academies and Non-military Schools
中文关键词: 军队院校  非军队院校  医学生  就业观
英文关键词: Military academies  Non-military schools  Medical students  Employment view
曹春 张亚华 黄亚渝 陈协群 高广勋 第四军医大学第一附属医院血液内科 
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      目的:了解新医疗形势下军队院校医学生与非军队院校医学生就业观的区别。方法:采用自行设计的调查问卷对113 名军 队院校(第四军医大学)和432 名非军队院校2014 年应届毕业生(包括西安交通大学医学院、西安医学院及延安大学医学院)进 行问卷调查,并对结果进行分析。结果:军队院校和非军队院校医学生基本情况及填报医学专业动机的初衷大致相同(P>0.05);但 影响其就业的主要因素不同(P<0.01),军队院校就业压力小,非军队院校认为当前紧张的医患关系是影响其就业的主要因素;同 时由于受军队特殊环境的影响,他们毕业后工作选择及去向也不相同(P<0.01);但对就业都保持乐观态度(P>0.05)。结论:无论是 军队院校医学生还是非军队院校医学生,就业观均受到当前医疗环境及就业压力等多方面因素的影响。而军队的特殊环境使得 军队院校医学生就业观区别于非军队院校医学生,但总体来说医学生对医疗环境保持乐观态度,愿意投身到医疗工作中去。面对 目前的就业压力,学校和相关教学医院应该通过多种途径加强对医学生的就业价值观的教育,应开设法律、道德等相关课程,帮 助学生树立正确的就业观。
      Objective:To study the differences of employment view between military academies and non-military schools students in the new situation.Methods:113 medical students of 2014 graduates frommilitary academies (the Fourth Military Medical University) and 432 medical students from non-military schools (including the Xi'an Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Xi'an Medicine University and the Yan'an University School of Medicine) were investigated. The self-designed questionnaires were used and the results were analyzed.Results:The basic conditions and the original medical professional motivation for students from military academies and non-military schools were roughly the same (P>0.05), but the main factors affecting their employment were different(P<0.01). Compared with the military academies students' low pressure of employment, students of non-military schools believed that the current tense relationship between doctors and patients was the main factors that affected the employment. Meanwhile, because of the special environment of army, there was a difference between their choice of work after graduation (P<0.01), however, their prospect on employment was positive(P>0.05).Conclusion:Both military academies and non-military schools students' employment value were affected by the current medical environment, employment pressure and others. Although major medical students were optimistic about the prospects for medical occupation, willing to devote themselves to the medical cause, the special environment of army forced students of military academies making their employment view different from non-military schools'. Facing the current employment pressure, schools and teaching hospitals should strengthen the medical student's employment values education in various ways, such as setting up the legal, moral and other related courses, so as to help students establish a correct employment view.
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