闫美玉 王康 彭文辉 陈广棋 王钵.冠脉造影术后对比剂肾病的研究进展[J].,2015,15(23):4580-4584
Progress in Contrast-induced Nephropathy after Coronary Angiography
中文关键词: 冠脉造影术  对比剂肾病  研究进展
英文关键词: Coronary angiography  Contrast-induced nephropathy  Progress
闫美玉 王康 彭文辉 陈广棋 王钵 同济大学附属第十人民医院心内科 
摘要点击次数: 717
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      随着人口老龄化以及饮食结构的改变,冠心病发病率逐年升高。冠状动脉造影技术在临床中广泛开展,导致对比剂肾病 (contrast-induced nephropathy,CIN)的发病率不断上升。CIN 的发生与患者本身的基础肾脏疾病及术前血糖水平等危险因素密切 相关。对比剂会影响肾脏血流动力学,同时对肾小管有直接毒性作用,最新研究显示炎症反应参与了CIN的发生,但其具体发病 机制尚未完全阐明。在CIN 的早期诊断中,新的生化指标较血肌酐值可更早反应对比剂使用后肾功能的损害。除静脉水化疗法 外,新型的药物在防治CIN 中起到一定作用。CIN 对患者的预后有重要影响,认识和熟悉CIN的高危因素、发病机制及早期诊断 方法,对预防冠脉造影术后引发的肾脏损害尤为重要。该文就CIN 的发病机制、高危因素、早期诊断、防治方法等方面的研究进展 进行综述。
      With the aging population and the change of dietary structure, the incidence of coronary heart disease has increased year by year. Application of coronary angiography is increasingly widespread. Therefore, contrast-induced nephropathy (contrast-induced nephropathy, CIN) incidence is rising. Risk factors of CIN include the basis of kidney disease and the preoperative blood glucose levels, etc. Contrast agent can affect renal hemodynamics, and has a direct toxic effect on the renal tubules. But its specific pathogenesis has not been fully elucidated. The latest study shows that inflammation is involved in the occurrence of CIN. In the early diagnosis of CIN, the new biochemical markers can earlier response the renal injury after the use of contrast agent than serum creatinine level. In addition to intravenous hydration therapy, some new drugs play a role in the prevention and treatment of CIN. CIN has a major impact on the prognosis of patients. Understanding of the risk factors, pathogenesis and early diagnosis of CIN is very important to the prevention of the disease. This paper studies the progress of the pathogenesis, risk factors, early diagnosis, prevention and treatment of CIN.
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