李晓明 杨莹 彭辉 刘永莹 龙钦鹏.FXR 与糖尿病相关性研究进展[J].,2015,15(26):5197-5200
FXR 与糖尿病相关性研究进展
Relationship between FXR and Diabetes Research Progress
中文关键词: 法尼醇X 受体  FXR  糖尿病  糖代谢
英文关键词: Farnesoid X receptor  FXR  Diabetes mellitus  Glycometabolism
李晓明 杨莹 彭辉 刘永莹 龙钦鹏 大理大学临床医学院 
摘要点击次数: 819
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      国际糖尿病联盟(IDF)最新数据表明目前中国糖尿病患者在剧增。糖尿病是以胰岛素分泌相对或和绝对不足导致的慢性高 血糖为特征的代谢性疾病,法尼醇X 受体(farnesoid X receptor,FXR,NR1H4)是能被胆汁酸激活的转录因子,FXR能对胆汁酸的 代谢进行调节,胆汁酸代谢与糖尿病相关,胆汁酸代谢在beta细胞的功能是通过FXR介导的,本文回顾国内外有关法尼醇X 受体 通过抑制肝糖原异生、增加肝糖原储存、影响胰岛素信号、增加胰岛素的分泌和增强胰岛素的敏感性等机制发挥调节血糖平衡作 用的研究,意在探索FXR与糖尿病的相关性,为糖尿病的发病机制提供新的理论依据。
      The international diabetes federation (IDF)'s latest data showed that Chinese patients with diabetes are in the surge. Diabetes is caused by insulin secretion insufficient and absolute characterized by chronic high blood sugar metabolic disease. FXR are bile acid activation, transcription factors,and can adjust zhe bile acid metabolism, nevertheless, Bile acid metabolism associated with diabetes, Bile acid metabolismin beta-cell function is mediated by FXR, farnesoid X receptor plays a role of regulating blood sugar balance by inhibiting liver glycogen dysplasia, increasing liver glycogen storage, affecting of insulin signal, increasing insulin secretion, enhancing insulin sensitivity and other mechanisms. To explore the correlation between FXR and diabetes, providing new theoretical basis for the pathogenesis of diabetes.
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