韩兴绘 薛媛媛 曾谷兰 俞建△.哺乳动物卵巢生物钟的研究进展[J].,2015,15(29):5748-5750
Advances of Mammalian Ovarian Clock
中文关键词: 卵巢生物钟  生物钟基因  生殖  排卵
英文关键词: Ovarian clock  Clock gene  Reproduction  Ovulation
韩兴绘 薛媛媛 曾谷兰 俞建△ 复旦大学附属儿科医院中医科 
摘要点击次数: 729
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      近年来,越来越多的研究发现生物钟系统在许多生理活动中,包括心血管、内分泌、免疫、生殖等系统的生理,都起着重要作 用。随着2006 年卵巢生物钟的发现,生殖系统生物钟成为新的研究热点。研究发现卵巢生物钟不仅影响排卵,而且还控制类固醇 激素的释放。卵巢生物钟属外围生物钟,受到中央生物钟(SCN)神经内分泌信号的调控。还发现下丘脑- 垂体- 卵巢(HPG)轴上 各水平都存在生物钟,HPG轴上各生物钟失同步影响生殖能力,这可能导致一些疾病发生的病因。本文总结近十年的关于卵巢生 物钟的研究,列举哺乳动物卵巢生物钟存在的证据,并阐述生物钟在雌鼠正常生殖生理过程,及在生殖系统疾病病理过程中的作 用及其分子机制。
      In recent years, it has become increasingly evident that the circadian clock system plays an important role in many physiological processes, for example the cardiovascular, endocrine, immune, and reproductive systems. With the discovery of ovarian clock in 2006, the research of reproductive system clock is becoming a new hotspot. These findings demonstrate that the ovarian clock not only regulates the timing of ovulation but also controls the generation of steroid hormone. A lot of studies show the importance of the central Suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) clock for the circadian control of the peripheral ovarian clock. Clock gene expression has been observed in tissues of the hypothalamic-pituitary--gonadal (HPG) axis. Desynchrony between ovarian clocks and circadian oscillators elsewhere in the HPG axis may contribute to infertility and the onset of various reproductive diseases. In this paper, I review current evidence for the existence of circadian clocks in the ovaries. In addition, I summarize the emerging role of this clock in normal ovarian physiology and in diseases that negatively affect fertility.
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