王洁 温立婷 安鲁 李娟 陈福权 陈广生.丁酸钠器官毒性研究[J].,2015,15(31):6021-6023
SodiumButyrate Toxicity Studies
中文关键词: 丁酸钠  组蛋白去乙酰化酶抑制剂  毒性
英文关键词: Sodiumbutyrate  HDAC inhibitor  Toxicity
王洁 温立婷 安鲁 李娟 陈福权 陈广生 西安市儿童医院耳鼻喉头颈外科第四军医大学西京医院耳鼻咽喉头颈外科西安市儿童医院病理科 
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      目的:研究组蛋白去乙酰化酶抑制剂(histone deacetylase inhibition HDACi):丁酸钠(Sodium Butyrate NaB)腹腔连续给药对 BALB/C小鼠体重增长及器官发育的影响。方法:20 只健康,3 周BALB/C 小鼠随机分成2 组(丁酸钠组和对照组);丁酸钠组腹腔 注射丁酸钠(NaB)1.2 g/ Kg·d,连续21 天;对照组同时间腹腔注射等量生理盐水。21 天后,测量体重;行4 %多聚甲醛灌注、固定, 取心脏,肝脏,脾脏,肺脏,肾脏,脑组织以及小肠组织器官,做石蜡切片,HE 染色两组比较有无器官损害。结果:1. 丁酸钠组与对 照组比较,两组动物体重增长良好,平均增长11 g,两组间无统计学差异(P>0.05)。2.HE 染色见丁酸钠组:心肌细胞无变性,坏死, 无炎性细胞浸润,无肉芽组织形成;脾脏红、白髓结构清晰,脾窦无扩张,未见炎性细胞浸润;肺间质无扩张,充血,未见纤维化,肺 泡无水肿;肾小管上皮细胞无变性坏死,肾间质未见水肿;脑细胞周围间隙和小血管间隙无增宽;肠道纤毛上皮排列整齐,肠壁无 出血,坏死,无渗出;肝细胞围绕中央静脉呈放射状排列,细胞无水肿,无胆汁淤积。未发现上述器官的病理变化。结论:丁酸钠长 期腹腔给药安全,无明显毒副作用。
      Objective:Research the organ toxicity of Histone deacetylase inhibition (HDACi); SodiumButyrate ( NaB ) through the continuous iintraperitoneal injection in BALB/C mice.Methods:Twenty healthy, 3W BALB/C mice were randomly divided into 2 groups (NaB group and the control group), Intraperitoneal injection of NaB 1.2 g/Kg·d for 21 days (NaB group); intraperitoneal injection of equivalent physiological saline for 21 days to be the control group. After measuring the weight gain, 4%paraformaldehyde glutaraldehyde perfusion fixation, do the HE test of heart, liver, spleen, lung, kidney, brain tissue and intestinal tissue pathological slices.Results:1. NaB group compared with the control group, average growth in 11 g. There is no statistical difference between the two groups(P>0.05). 2. The organ HE staining of NaB group. Cardiac muscle cell have no degeneration, necrosis, or inflammatory cell infiltration, and granulation tissue formation; Spleen's red and white pulp structure is clear, there is no expansion of splenic sinus, and inflammatory cell infiltration; Pulmonary interstitial have no expansion, congestion, or fibrosis, and no alveolar edema; Renal tubular epithelial cells have no degeneration necrosis, renal interstitial have no edema. Brain cell's peripheral clearance and small vessel have no broaden; Intestinal ciliated epithelium neatly, intestinal wall without hemorrhage, necrosis, and leakage. liver cells lie in a radial pattern around the central vein, without edema or cholestasis. Did not observe any pathological changes on the above organ.Conclusion:Sodium butyrate intraperitoneal injection is safe for a long time, and have no obvious side effects.
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