陈钧 杜莉 王佩 魏虹 韩祖成.环境光导致昼夜节律紊乱对睡眠的影响[J].,2015,15(31):6046-6049
The Effects of Circadian Disruption by Environmental Light on Sleep
中文关键词: 昼夜节律  睡眠觉醒  非快速动眼睡眠  快速动眼睡眠
英文关键词: Circadian  Sleep-wake  Non-rapid eye movement sleep (NREM)  Rapid eye movement sleep (REM)
陈钧 杜莉 王佩 魏虹 韩祖成 陕西省中医医院脑病科河南大学第一附属医院儿科河 
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      目的:研究通过环境光扰乱正常昼夜节律对睡眠的影响。方法:使用小鼠昼夜节律模型(20小时一个循环,10小时见光,10 小时避光),利用小鼠睡眠生物解析系统,记录脑电波和肌电波,分析睡眠觉醒量、不同时间睡眠觉醒波delta 功率和睡眠时相转换 等参数。结果:昼夜节律干扰后导致昼夜觉醒差异、非快速眼动睡眠差异(NREM),和快速眼动睡眠(REM)差异消失(P>0.05),昼 夜节律干扰后增加了觉醒和NREM睡眠之间的转换次数(P<0.05),昼夜节律紊乱的光照时相在开始时没有delta 功率减弱征象 (P>0.05)。结论:昼夜节律模型不会导致典型的睡眠剥夺,但是会对睡眠时间和质量会产生影响。本研究一步证实昼夜节律对睡眠 调节有着重要的作用。
      Objective:To study the effects of circadian disruption by environmental light on sleep.Methods:Disrupting the circadian clock by altered light-dark cycles (a shortened 20 h day, 10 h light, 10 h dark;LD10:10), we used mouse sleeping analysis system to record electroencephalogram and electromyogram, to analyze sleeping and awaking time in a day, delta power of sleeping and awaking waves in different time,and times of sleeping and awaking switchover.Results:Environmental circadian disruption by light caused loss of normal day-night differences in wake, non-rapid eye movement sleep (NREM), and rapid eye movement sleep (REM)(P > 0.05) between light and dark phases. Circadian disruption increased the number of transitions between wake and NREM(P<0.05). Environmental circadian disruption by light abolished the normally observed decrease in delta power at the onset of the light phase(P>0.05).Conclusion:Our results demonstrate that this model of circadian disruption did not lead to marked sleep deprivation, but instead affected the timing and quality of sleep.
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