张兴 马旭 刘长松 陈伟华 李巍.假体隆胸患者手术前后生命质量和自尊的评估[J].,2015,15(33):6534-6537
Assessment of Patients' Quality of Life and Self-EsteemOutcomesbefore and after Augmentation Mammaplasty
中文关键词: 生命质量  自尊  隆胸术  SF-36 量表  Rosenberg自尊量表
英文关键词: Quality of life  Self-esteem  Augmentation mammaplasty  SF-36 scores  Rosenberg Self-esteemScale
张兴 马旭 刘长松 陈伟华 李巍 哈尔滨医科大学附属第二医院重症医学科整形美容外科哈尔滨医科大学附属第四医院整形美容外科 
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      目的:通过对接受假体法隆胸患者的手术前后的生命质量和自尊水平进行主观的评价,得到真实、可靠的手术效果评价结 果,最终提高隆胸手术患者的满意度。方法:选取接受假体法隆胸术患者共60例,在手术之前、术后6 个月使用SF-36 生命质量量 表和Rosenberg 自尊量表进行生命质量状况和自尊状况的测量评估,并和常模进行比较。结果:接受假体法隆胸患者术前SF-36 生命质量量表中社会功能(SF)和精神健康(MH)两项得分明显低于常模(P<0.01);术后6 个月量表中社会功能(SF)和精神健康 (MH)两项水平有显著改善(P<0.01);Rosenberg自尊量表显示患者术后6 个月的自尊水平较术前有明显的改善(P<0.001)。结论: 假体法隆胸手术能使患者的生命质量得到一定程度的改善,隆胸手术对患者的自尊水平有积极的显著的影响。
      Objective:Through the subjective evaluation of the quality of life and the self-esteem level of patients before and after augmentation mammoplasty. The evaluation of operation effect is real and effective. Ultimately improve patient satisfaction in breast augmentation surgery.Methods:A total of 60 patients undergoing breast augmentation were recruited. The quality of life and the self-esteem in patients is evaluated before the operation and after surgery for 6 months or after operation by using the Short-Form Health Survey (SF-36) and the Rosenberg self-esteem scale, compared with the general population norm.Results:Compared the general population norm, the social function (SF) and the mental health (MH) both scored significantly lower before the operation (P<0.01). Compared the scores before the operation, the social function (SF) and the mental health (MH) both improved after surgery for 6 months (P<0.01). Rosenberg self-esteem scale showed self-esteem in patients are significantly improved after surgery for 6 months (P<0.001).Conclusion:Augmentation mammaplasty can improve the patient's quality of life to a certain extent, and it is a positive and significant impact for the self-esteemof patients.
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