杨雯 曹珣 梁梅 席雅曼 郭宏.雌激素、褪黑素、红细胞源性降压因子降压机制的研究进展[J].,2015,15(33):6580-6582
Advances in Antihypertensive Mechanismof Estrogen, Melatonin andErythrocyte-Derived Depressing Factor
中文关键词: 高血压  雌激素  褪黑素  红细胞源性降压因子
英文关键词: Hypertension  Estrogen  Melatonin  Erythrocyte-derived depressing factor
杨雯 曹珣 梁梅 席雅曼 郭宏 哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院内科 
摘要点击次数: 696
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      :雌激素(estrogen )作为一种重要的类固醇激素,对心血管系统发挥着重要作用,雌激素被认为对心血管系统起着有益的保 护作用,临床流行病学研究显示,女性在绝经前或围绝经期的高血压患病率显著低于同龄男性。女性绝经后雌激素缺乏是高血压 发病率增加的主要原因之一。褪黑素(Melatonin,Mel)主要是由哺乳动物和人类的松果体产生的一种胺类激素,它的合成受光周期 的制约,可使正常动物和人的血压降低,也可对抗病理性的血压升高。红细胞源降压因子(erythrocyte-derived depressing factor, EDDF)是从人的红细胞中提取出一种能够显著降低血压的物质,它不同于迄今已发现的体液中的降压物质, 很可能是一种新的内 源性血压调节物质。体内物质雌激素、褪黑素、红细胞源性降压因子均可起到降压作用,将可能成为治疗高血压的新靶点。
      Estrogen recognized as an important kind of steroid hormone, and it plays an important role on the cardiovascular system. Estrogen is thought to have an important protective effect on cardiovascular system. Clinical epidemiological studies show that hypertension prevalence rate of women in premenopause is lower than that in the men at the same age. Estrogen deficiency is one of the reasons for increasing the incidence of hypertension. Melatonin (Mel) is an amine hormone mainly produced by the pineal of mammals and human. The synthesis of Mel is restricted by light cycle which can decrease blood pressure of the normal animals and people and control pathological blood pressure. Erythrocyte-derived depressing factor (EDDF) is extracted fromred blood cells of people which can significantly reduce blood pressure. EDDF which might be a new endogenous reducing blood pressure substance is different from other depressor factors that have been found in body fluids. Estrogen, Mel and EDDF have the similar function to limit blood pressure which probably provide new ideas for the treatment of hypertension.
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