黄海华 鞠敏 周施丽 匡莉 陈萍.阴道彩色多普勒对妇科盆腔肿瘤闭孔淋巴转移的诊断[J].,2016,16(1):141-143
Effect of Transvaginal Color Doppler in Diagnosis of Gynecological PelvicTumors with Obturator Lymph Node Metastasis
中文关键词: 彩色多普勒  盆腔肿瘤  闭孔淋巴细胞
英文关键词: Color doppler  Pelvic tumors  Closed-cell lymphocyte
黄海华 鞠敏 周施丽 匡莉 陈萍 解放军第三军医大学西南医院体检中心 
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      目的:探究经阴道彩色多普勒超声对妇科盆腔肿瘤闭孔淋巴转移的诊断价值。方法:选择2013年1 月至2014 年12 月到我 院进行子宫切除联合盆腔淋巴清扫术的妇科盆腔肿瘤患者86 例作为研究对象,按照手术的先后顺序将患者分为观察组和对照 组,每组43 例。观察组患者采用经阴道彩色多普勒超声对患者闭孔淋巴结是否转移进行检查,对照组采用B 超对患者闭孔淋巴 结是否转移进行检查,比较两组患者检查的准确性。结果:观察组患者检查结果中显示,转移的为14 例,无转移的为29 例,与病 理检查结果比较无显著统计学差异(P<0.05),对照组患者检查结果中显示,转移的为5 例,无转移的为36 例,与病理检查结果比 较具有显著统计学差异(P>0.05),观察组患者检查的正确率为95.3 %,而对照组检查的正确率仅为81.4 %,两组比较具有显著统 计学差异(u=4.0737,P=0.0436),观察组患者检查后的满意率为90.7 %,而对照组的满意率为79.1%,两组比较具有显著统计学差 异(u=2.7051,P=0.0068)。结论:经阴道彩色多普勒超声对妇科盆腔肿瘤闭孔淋巴转移的诊断准确性高,具有较高的临床参考价 值。
      Objective:To research the diagnostic value of transvaginal color Doppler ultrasound in gynecological pelvic tumors with obturator lymph node metastasis.Methods:A total of 86 patients with gynecological pelvic tumors, who underwent hysterectomy plus pelvic lymphadenectomy in Southwest Hospital of Third Military Medical University of PLA from January 2013 to December 2014, were chosen as the subjects and randomly divided into observation group (n=43) and control group (n=43) according to the order of the surgery. The observation group was detected by transvaginal color Doppler ultrasound to know if the patients had obturator lymph node metastasis; the control group, by B-ultrasound. The accuracy of detection was compared between the two groups.Results:The test results of the patients in the observation group showed that 14 cases had transfer, 29 cases hadn't transfer, there was no statistically significant difference compared with pathological findings (P <0.05). The test results of the patients in the control group showed that 5 cases had transfer, 36 cases hadn't transfer, there was statistically significant difference compared with pathological findings (P> 0.05). The accuracy rate of the observation group was 95.3%, while the accuracy rate of the control group was 81.4%, there was statistically significant difference between the two groups(u=4.0737, P=0.0436). The satisfaction rate of the observation group was 90.7% after the detection, while the satisfaction rate of the control group was 79.1%, there was statistically significant difference between the two groups(U=2. 7051,P=0.0068).Conclusion:The transvaginal color doppler ultrasound has a high accuracy in the diagnosis of patients with gynecological pelvic tumor and obturator lymph node metastases, which is worthy of clinical reference.
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