高楠 傅俊英 赵蕴华 佟贺丰 彭鼎原.脑机接口专利情报研究[J].,2016,16(1):144-150
Patent Information Study on Brain-Computer Interface Based on the PatentAnalysis PlatformInnography
中文关键词: 脑机接口  Innography  专利分析  情报研究
英文关键词: Brain-Computer Interface (BCI)  Innography  Patent analysis  Intelligence research
基金项目:科学技术部国际合作司中外创新对话专项:" 中美在主要科学和技术领域的差距研究"调研
高楠 傅俊英 赵蕴华 佟贺丰 彭鼎原 中国科学技术信息研究所 
摘要点击次数: 849
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      脑机接口是在无外周神经系统和肌肉组织参与的条件下,通过计算机等电子设备输出控制信号,进而与外界环境进行交流 的全新通讯和控制技术。它的发展依赖于神经科学、心理学、工程学、康复医学和计算机等学科专家间的密切合作,具有非常重要 的学术价值、科学意义和广阔的应用前景,是当今世界研究的热点。本文利用新一代专利分析平台和工具Innography,结合专利情 报分析理论,在对世界范围内脑机接口技术的专利进行申请趋势分析、区域分析、IPC分析、专利权人分析、诉讼专利和核心专利 分析以及重点技术文本聚类分析的基础上,了解国内该技术发展态势,并尝试为脑机接口领域的发展提供有用的竞争情报参考。
      Brain-computer interface (BCI) is a communication and control system to set up a message or command pathway to external world independent to brain normal output pathway (peripheral nerves and muscles). The development of BCI depends on the interdisciplinary clasp of neuroscience, engineering, psychology, computer and rehabilitation. Because of very important scientific significance, academic value and wide application prospects, it has become a hot spot. This paper presents a comprehensive analysis on BCI, including its tendency, distribution, IPC, assignee, patent litigation, core patent and cluster analysis of the key technologies. Based on the new generation of patent analysis platform(Innography), and the theory of patent intelligence analysis,we seek to provide a helpful reference for the development of BCI.
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