刘法 刘平△ 金鑫 葛红岩 倪双.角膜新生血管的治疗新进展[J].,2016,16(1):184-186
The Treatment of Corneal Neovascularization Progress
中文关键词: 角膜新生血管  光动力疗法  KH906  KH902  盐酸米诺霉素  贝伐单抗  内皮抑素  雷公藤红素纳米颗粒
英文关键词: Corneal neovascularization  PDT  KH906  KH902  Minocycline  Bevacizumab  Endostatin  Celastrol nanoparticles
刘法 刘平△ 金鑫 葛红岩 倪双 哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院 
摘要点击次数: 989
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      :角膜本身无血管,毛细血管网围绕角膜缘,如果血管超越角膜缘进入透明区即为病理性。角膜新生血管不是一种独立的角 膜病,而是一种病理改变。由于维持角膜无血管的平衡因素被破坏,角膜缘的毛细血管侵入角膜周边部1-2 mm,即可视为角膜新 生血管(CNV)形成1。随着它对感染的消除、创伤愈合、抑制免疫介导的角膜溶解有一定作用,但其结构和功能不完善,容易发生 血浆渗漏,造成角膜水肿、脂质沉着以及激发的角膜瘢痕化,严重影响视力;也使角膜移植排斥反应的发生率大大增加。CNV 的生 长有利于病原微生物的清除和组织的修复,但严重影响了角膜的透明性,导致一系列的并发症,破坏眼球的完整性,目前国内外 对治疗角膜新生血管的药物进行了大量的研究,希望通过不同的药物、不同的治疗方法解决这个大难题。
      Cornea itself has no blood vessels, capillary network around the limbus, if blood vessels beyond the limbus into the transparent area is pathological. Corneal neovascularization, corneal disease is not an independent, but a pathological changes. Avascular cornea as to maintain balance factor is destroyed, the limbus peripheral capillaries invade the cornea 1-2mm, may be regarded as corneal neovascularization (CNV) is formed. With the elimination of its infection, wound healing, immune-mediated inhibition of corneal melting have a role, but its structure and function is imperfect, prone to plasma leakage, resulting in corneal edema, corneal lipid calm and inspire scarring, seriously affect vision; also corneal transplant rejection rates increased significantly. Conducive to the growth of CNV removal of pathogenic microorganisms and tissue repair, but seriously affect the transparency of the cornea, resulting in a series of complications and damage to the integrity of the eye, at home and abroad for the treatment of corneal neovascularization lot of drugs study and hope through different medications, different treatment methods to solve this major problem.
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