张冬青 何坪 刘彦 潘伦 黄姗.专科层次临床医学专业课程建设效果调查分析[J].,2016,16(4):766-771
Investigation and Analysis on the Course Construction Effect of CollegeClinical Medicine Specialty
中文关键词: 临床医学  课程建设  教学质量
英文关键词: Clinical medicine  Curriculumconstruction  The quality of teaching
基金项目:教育部人文社科规划基金项目(12YJA880042);重庆市卫生局重点项目(2013-1-048);重庆市高等教育教学改革重大项目 (131016);重庆市卫生计生委医学科研计划项目(20142119);重庆市教委高等教育教学改革研究项目(153240);重庆市沙坪坝区科委指令 性计划项目(jc201524);重庆医药高等专科学校教研教改重点项目(CQYGZJG1508)
张冬青 何坪 刘彦 潘伦 黄姗 重庆医药高等专科学校 
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      目的:了解临床医学专业课程建设情况,总结专科层次临床医学专业教育教学的主要成绩,查找专业建设存在的问题,为专 科层次临床医学专业教育教学改革提出改进意见。方法:对我校2013 届(应届生)306 名、2011 届和2012 届(往届生)333 名专科 层次临床医学专业毕业生进行问卷调查,主要调查内容包括:课程内容、课程资源和课程评价。结果:专科层次临床医学专业毕 业生认为本专业核心课程知识和技能模块设计合理,且应届毕业生认可度高于往届毕业生;对专业类纸质图书、纸质期刊等课程 资源满意度高,认为专业类精品课程、教学视频等课程资源需要进一步改善;毕业生对专业知识考评认可度较高,应届生认可度 优于往届生。结论:专科层次临床医学专业课程建设效果较好,特别是课程内容安排和课程评价合理,但在专业技能训练和课程 资源建设方面需重点加强。
      Objective:To understand the situation of curriculum construction of clinical medicine specialty and summarize the results of the education in college clinical medical specialty, and find the existing problems in specialty construction. Thus put forward some improvement suggestions for the reform of college clinical medicine specialty education.Methods:A questionnaire survey was conducted among 306 clinical medical college graduates of 2013 (Fresh graduates) and 333 college graduates of 2011 and 2012 (Previous graduates). The main investigation content included the curriculumcontent, curriculumresources and curriculumevaluation.Results:The clinical medical graduates on college level who thought that the design of the professional core curriculum knowledge and skills were reasonable and gave the evaluation a high recognition. The recognition degree of fresh graduates was higher than previous graduates. They got a satisfied evaluation on professional paper books, printed journals and other curriculum resources. They also thought that professional class curriculum, teaching video curriculum resources need to be further improved. The graduates had a high recognition degree on professional knowledge examination. And the fresh graduates recognized better than previous ones.Conclusion:The effect of curriculum construction on college clinical medicine specialty is good. Especially the arrangement of course content and curriculum evaluation are very reasonable. But we must focus on strengthening the professional skills training and the construction of curriculum resources.
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