王珍华 周龙 罗艳 石天 康军.新生溶血病患儿红细胞上致敏抗体对Rh 血型检测的影响[J].,2016,16(5):930-932
新生溶血病患儿红细胞上致敏抗体对Rh 血型检测的影响
Influence of Erythrocyte Sensitization Antibodies on Identification of RhBlood Group in Newborns with Hemolytic Disease
中文关键词: Rh血型  新生儿溶血  血型检测
英文关键词: Rh blood group  Hemolytic disease of newborn  Blood group detection
王珍华 周龙 罗艳 石天 康军 湖北民族学院附属民大医院输血科 
摘要点击次数: 923
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      目的:探讨新生溶血病患儿红细胞致敏抗体对其Rh 血型鉴定的影响。方法:采用抗球蛋白法、盐水法、微柱凝胶法(Rh 血型 测定型)、凝聚胺法和抗血清微柱凝胶法(IgG型)五种方法对近三年来我院收集的163 例新生溶血病患儿红细胞进行Rh血型检 测,对五种检测结果不一致的患儿红细胞进行0.2M2-巯基乙醇抗体放散,比较放散后五种方法检测结果并验证其准确性。结果: 29 例直接抗体试验阳性患儿的五种Rh 血型检测结果不一致,经0.2M2- 巯基乙醇抗体放散后检测结果均一致。Rh 血型准确性 验证表明,红细胞放散测定的Rh血型完全符合临床现象。结论:患儿红细胞的致敏抗体达一定数量后,会影响抗球蛋白法、盐水 法、微柱凝胶法(Rh 血型测定型)、凝聚胺法和抗血清微柱凝胶法(IgG 型)对Rh 血型鉴定,0.2M2- 巯基乙醇抗体放散法是一种正 确鉴定新生儿Rh 血型的简单可行的方法。
      Objective:To evaluate the influence of erythrocyte sensitization antibodies on the identification of Rh blood group in newborns with hemolytic disease.Methods:The Rh blood groups of erythrocyte of 163 newborns with hemolytic disease, who were treated in Minda Affiliated Hospital of Hubei Institute for Nationalities in the last three years,were identified by antiglobulin test, brine test, microcolumn gel test(Rh blood group), polybrene test and antiserummicrocolumn gel(IgG pattern), the erythrocyte antibodies with 0.2 M 2-mercaptoethanol were diffused when the Rh blood group identification restults of the above 5 tests were not in line, and their accura- cy was verified.Results:The Rh blood group identification results of the above 5 tests of 29 newborns with direct antibody test positive were not in line, which were in line after the 0.2M2-mercaptoethanol diffusion. The accuracy verification of Rh blood group showed that Rh blood group was totally corresponded to clinical phenomenon after erythrocyte antibodies diffusion.Conclusion:When the erythrocyte sensitization antibodies reach to a certain quantity in newborns with hemolytic disease, they will influence the antiglobulin test, brine test, microcolumn gel test (Rh blood group), polybrene test and antiserummicrocolumn gel (IgG pattern) test to identify the Rh blood group, and 0.2M2-mercaptoethanol diffusion is a simple and feasible way to correctly identify the newborn Rh blood group.
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