肖金怀 徐诚 张伟 黄野△.钙敏感受体在骨代谢中的研究进展[J].,2016,16(10):1975-1978
rogress of CalciumSensing Receptor in Bone Metabolism
中文关键词: 钙敏感受体  甲状旁腺激素  降钙素  破骨细胞  成骨细胞
英文关键词: Calciumsensing receptor  Parathyroid hormone  Calcitonin  Osteoclast  Osteoblast
肖金怀 徐诚 张伟 黄野△ 南京医科大学第二临床医学院南京医科大学第二附属医院骨科 
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      钙敏感受体感受细胞外的钙离子水平,调控一系列激素的释放以维持机体的钙稳态。钙稳态的调节过程与骨代谢相偶联, 钙敏感受体通过直接或间接对破骨和成骨细胞的调控,动员或者抑制骨钙入血。虽然钙敏感受体已被证实调控骨代谢,但是详尽 的调控机制仍在不断探究中。目前认为细胞外的高钙水平会激活钙敏感受体,抑制甲状旁腺激素分泌并促进降钙素释放,进而破 骨细胞被抑制,成骨细胞动员,增加了骨质合成。本文就近年来关于钙敏感受体调控骨代谢的研究进展作一综述,为促进钙敏感 受体及相关作用因子治疗骨代谢疾病的研究提供参考。
      Calcium sensing receptor senses the extracellular calcium and regulates the secretion of hormones to maintain the calcium homeostasis. Calcium homeostasis is coupled to bone metabolism, in which calcium sensing receptor, directly or indirectly, regulates osteoblasts and osteoclasts to control bone resorption and formation, thus the calcium transferring from bone to blood is either enhanced or inhibited. Though, calcium sensing receptor is demonstrated to be indispensable in bone metabolism, detailed mechanisms remain to be discovered. It is agreed that high extracellular calcium activates calcium sensing receptor which sequentially suppresses the secretion of PTH and promotes the secretion of CT. Thus, bone formation is enhanced by suppression of osteoclasts and activation of osteoblasts. In this article, the research progress of calcium sensing receptor in the regulation of bone metabolism is reviewed, with the purpose of promoting the research in calciumsensing receptor and related factors to cure bone metabolismdiseases.
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