刘珊珊 赵威 迟春杰 王常松 李恩有.呼吸末二氧化碳监测在临床中的应用[J].,2016,16(11):2165-2167
The Clinical Application for End-tidal Carbon Dioxide Monitoring
中文关键词: 呼吸末二氧化碳监测  呼吸末二氧化碳分压  动脉血二氧化碳分压
英文关键词: End-tidal carbon dioxide monitoring  End-tidal carbon dioxide pressure  Arterial carbon dioxide pressure
刘珊珊 赵威 迟春杰 王常松 李恩有 哈尔滨医科大学附属第一医院麻醉科 
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      呼吸末二氧化碳监测是评估患者通气状态的重要指标,也是确保病人安全的重要参数之一。呼吸末二氧化碳分压与动脉血 二氧化碳分压之间存在良好的相关关系,可以通过持续监测其动态观察动脉血二氧化碳分压,近年来呼吸末二氧化碳监测已经 成为了临床工作中一项常规监测技术手段。在临床的实际工作中呼吸末二氧化碳监测不仅能够确定气管插管的位置,评估心肺 复苏的预后,而且能够监测患者的通气功能状态,更好地指导工作中呼吸模式和呼吸机的参数的调整,为撤机提供准确的时机, 并能及时发现机械故障和减少不必要的操作。本文重点对呼吸末二氧化碳监测的原理以及其在临床中的应用展开综述。
      End-tidal carbon dioxide monitoring is an important index of evaluating ventilation status in patients, is also one of the important parameters to ensure patient safety. As it has great correlation with arterial carbon dioxide pressure, the arterial carbon dioxide pressure can be observed by continuously monitoring the end-tidal carbon dioxide pressure. In recent years, it has become a regular monitoring techniques. In clinical work, end-tidal carbon dioxide monitoring can not only determine the position of the trachea intubation, evaluate the prognosis of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), but also monitor the patient's ventilation function state, guide to adjust breathing pattern and parameters of breathing machine, accurate to provide the timing of the ventilator, mechanical failure and reduce unnecessary operation. In this paper, the principles of the end-tidal carbon dioxide monitoring progress and its application in clinical work is reviewed.
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