王丽丽 王也 王英 李锘 白彦萍.MicroRNA-155、microRNA-203 在银屑病患者皮肤中的表达及定位[J].,2016,16(12):2205-2208
MicroRNA-155、microRNA-203 在银屑病患者皮肤中的表达及定位
Expressions and Localization of MiR-155 and MiR-203 in Psoriatic Skin
中文关键词: 微小核糖核酸  银屑病  Mir-155  Mir-203
英文关键词: MicroRNA  Psoriasis  Mir-155  Mir-203
王丽丽 王也 王英 李锘 白彦萍 北京协和医学院研究生院中日友好医院皮肤病与性病科中日友好医院病理科 中日友好医院皮肤病与性病科 
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      目的:研究microRNA-155(miR-155)、microRNA-203(miR-203)在银屑病患者皮损区及非皮损区皮肤中的表达及定位。方法: 活检切取12 名寻常型银屑病患者皮损及邻近非皮损区的皮肤组织,采用石蜡包埋,通过RT-PCR 法检测和比较12 对标本的皮损 区、非皮损区中miR-155、miR-203 表达水平,并以5’端、3’端地高辛标记的探针对组织切片中的目的miRNA进行原位杂交,观察 miR-155、miR-203 在皮肤组织中的定位情况。结果:12 对标本中,miR-155 在皮损区的表达显著高于非皮损区,差异具有显著统计 学意义(P<0.05);而皮损区和非皮损区miR-203 的表达未见统计学差异(P>0.05)。miR-155 在皮肤的表皮、真皮均有表达,定位在细 胞核,基底层表达较高;miR-203 在基底层和表皮突表达较高,细胞核、细胞质中均有表达。结论:银屑病患者皮损区miR-155 的表 达显著升高,定位在细胞核,在皮肤的表皮、真皮均表达,可能参与了银屑病的发生发展过程。
      Objective:To investigate the expressions of miR-155 and miR-203 in the lesional skin and adjacent non-lesional skin of psoriatic patients.Methods:Biopsies were carried out on 12 psoriatic patient donors to obtain lesional skin and adjacent nonlesinal skin which were made into FFPE samples. In situ hybridization was performed on tissue slides using 5' and 3' DIG-labeled detection probes to localize the expression of miR-155 and miR-203. SYBR Green Ⅰreal-time PCR were carried out to compare the abundance of miR-155 and miR-203 between lesional and nonlesinal psoriatic skin.Results:The expression of miR-155 in lesional skin was significantly higher than that of nonlesional skin in all 12 pairs of sample while the expression of miR-203 showed no significant difference between the lesional and nonlesional samples. MiR-155 expressed in both epidermis and dermis, which was higher in basal cell layer and localized in nucleus. miR-203 expression was higher in basal cell layer and the lower part of epidermis, expressed in both nucleus and cytoplasm.Conclusion:MiR-155 located in the cell nucleus of both epidermis and dermis and its expression in lesional skin was dramatically elevated in comparison to the nonlesional skin, implying its role in the pathogenesis of psoriasis.
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