阿孜尔古丽·阿布都克日木 阿布都哈巴尔·阿布都克日木 马兰英 孙玉萍 陈锋 王红英 德力夏提·依米提.维吾尔族结肠癌患者肠道菌群的分布情况研究[J].,2016,16(12):2227-2230
Analysis of Intestinal Bacterial Diversity in Colon Cancer in UygurPopulation
中文关键词: 结肠癌  肠道菌群  16SrDNA-PCR-DGGE 技术
英文关键词: Colon cancer  Intestinal microflora  16SrDNA-PCR-DGGE
阿孜尔古丽·阿布都克日木 阿布都哈巴尔·阿布都克日木 马兰英 孙玉萍 陈锋 王红英 德力夏提·依米提 新疆医科大学病原生物学教研室新疆医科大学附属肿瘤医院消化内科和田师范专科学校生物化学系 
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      目的:检测新疆维吾尔族结肠癌人群肠道菌群结构,探讨维吾尔族结肠癌患者肠道菌群结构差异,以求找到肠内与结肠癌有 关系的菌群。方法:使用16SrDNA-PCR-DGGE 技术对维吾尔族结肠癌患者肠道菌群分布情况制作肠道菌群指纹图谱,从图谱中 的条带进行切胶回收、进行克隆、测序,与Genebank 数据库提供的序列进行比对做树状图分析,对新疆维吾尔族结肠癌患者肠道 细菌种群多样性进行探讨。结果:通过实验得到了维吾尔族结肠癌患者肠道菌群结构特征的DNA指纹图谱、基因序列及树状图。 测序结果显示,维吾尔族结肠癌患者肠道菌群中主要分布乳酸杆菌属,拟杆菌属和梭杆菌属以及很多差异性细菌的分布情况。从 维吾尔族结肠癌患者肠道菌群的分布情况来看,优势菌乳酸杆菌量甚少,拟杆菌属,梭杆菌属数量较多。结论:肠道乳酸杆菌优势 菌量的减少及拟杆菌属,梭杆菌属比例的改变可能与结肠癌患者发病有一定的关系。
      Objective:To examine the structure of intestinal microflora of Uyghur patients with colon cancer in Xinjiang, and investigate the structural difference of the intestinal microflora in these patients.Methods:Using 16S rDNA gene PCR-DGGE technology to make the fingerprint of the intestinal flora distribution, and then cloned and sequenced. Finally discuss the intestinal bacterial species diversity of these Xinjiang Uyghur patients with colon cancer by comparing them with the gene sequences from the database provided by Genebank.Results:Obtained by experiment reflect structural features of intestinal flora DNA fingerprinting, fromsequence specific band sequencing out in the Genebank database on the Blast program to compare, and make the evolutionary tree diagram of the relationship between intestinal microflora. Sequencing results showed the distribution state of intestinal lactobacillus, and Bacteria and Fuso bacterium Uncultured bacteriumin Uyghur colon cancer patients. The distribution of intestinal microflora of Uyghur colon cancer patients indicated that the quantity of advantage bacterium lactobacillus was little; meanwhile the quantity of bacteroides and Fuso bacterium was considerable.Conclusion:The change of advantage bacterium proportion may have a certain relationship with incidence of colon cancer.
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