李万成 吕婷婷 黄娜 代文静 孙建.多发巨大肺大疱治疗成功1 例并文献复习[J].,2016,16(12):2327-2329
多发巨大肺大疱治疗成功1 例并文献复习
Multiple Giant Pulmonary Bulla: One case of Successful Cureand Literature Review
中文关键词: 肺大疱  肺减容术  胸腔闭式引流
英文关键词: Pulmonary bulla  Lung volume reduction surgery  Thoracic closed drainage
李万成 吕婷婷 黄娜 代文静 孙建 成都医学院第一附属医院呼吸内科 
摘要点击次数: 911
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      目的:总结成功治愈的一例多发巨大肺大泡患者的临床经验,并结合文献报道对肺大泡的治疗方法进行复习,以提高临床对 肺大泡治疗方法的认识,为临床肺大泡的治疗提供新的思路与借鉴。方法:采用内科胸腔镜下肺减容术,即在胸腔镜下夹破充气的 肺大泡,同时胸腔内注入自体血60 mL及凝血酶1000U一次,嘱患者翻身活动,促进胸膜表面混合均匀,连续行胸腔闭式引流。结 果:患者治疗后,右肺复张良好,患者胸膜破口愈合,且康复出院。结论:应用内科胸腔镜下肺减容术,具有经济、疼痛小、自体血来 源方便、患者更易接受的优点,疗效确切,值得临床推广。
      Objective:To summarize the clinical experience of successful treatment of a case of multiple giant pulmonary bulla (MGPB), through reviewing the other treatment methods for pulmonary bulla reported by recent literatures, and improve the understanding of clinical therapy and provide a new idea for the clinical treatment of pulmonary bulla.Methods:The patient with MGPB underwent lung volume reduction surgery under thoracoscope; that is, the inflatable bullae were broken under thoracoscope, injecting 60ml of autologous blood and 1000U of thrombin one time into the anocelia, asking the patient to turn over activities to promote the pleural surface to mix evenly, and undergoing the thoracic closed drainage.Results:The patient was cured and left hospital with good right lung function and healed Pleural rupture.Conclusion:The lung volume reduction surgery under thoracoscope has an exact effect in treatment of patients with multiple giant pulmonary bulla,with the advantages of economy,small pain,convenient autologous blood, and easy to accept, which is worthy of clinical application.
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