黄生建 彭琳 陆文玲 侯伟榕 王建.肥胖与脂肪组织巨噬细胞的研究进展[J].,2016,16(12):2355-2358
Research Progress of Obesity and Adipose Tissue Macrophages
中文关键词: 肥胖  脂肪组织巨噬细胞  极化  招募
英文关键词: Obesity  Adipose tissue Macrophages  Polarization  Recruitment
基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目(30700272);教育部新教师基金项目(20070533080);湖南省自然科学基金项目(2009FJ3180); 长沙科技计划项目(K1203005-31)
黄生建 彭琳 陆文玲 侯伟榕 王建 中南大学生殖与干细胞工程研究所人类干细胞国家工程研究中心 
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      肥胖被认为是一种慢性促炎症疾病。近年来巨噬细胞在肥胖的发生过程中起的重要作用越来越被研究者们所重视。研究发 现脂肪组织巨噬细胞(ATMs)的极化和招募在肥胖的发生过程中扮演着重要角色:在肥胖的脂肪组织中,巨噬细胞M1/M2的比 例出现失衡即M1 促炎巨噬细胞比例上调M2 抑炎巨噬细胞比例下调导致脂肪组织慢性炎症;脂肪组织的局部炎症发生时周边 组织巨噬细胞招募至脂肪组织也能够促进肥胖的发展进程。本文就肥胖的发生与脂肪组织巨噬细胞的极化和招募的关系作一综 述。
      Obesity is now recognized as a chronic pro-inflammatory disease. In recent years, the role of macrophages in the pathogenesis of obesity has caused more and more attentions. It was reported that the polarization and recruitment of adipose tissue Macrophages (ATMs) were very important in the pathogenesis of obesity, imbalance between M1/M2, which means "pro-inflammatory" macrophages (M1) has being enhanced and "anti-inflammatory" (M2) macrophages has being down-regulated, can lead to chronic inflammation. Furthermore, local inflammation of the adipose tissues can promote the development of obesity due to the recruitment of peripheral tissue macrophages into the adipose tissues. The relationships between the occurrence of obesity and the polarization and recruitment of macrophages in adipose tissue were reviewed in this article.
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