周玉云 柴源 李福春 蒋莱 王策 马学玲.ROBO4 与缺血性脑血管病相关的研究进展[J].,2016,16(16):3180-3182
ROBO4 与缺血性脑血管病相关的研究进展
Related Research Progress of ROBO4 and IschemicCerebrovascular Disease
中文关键词: Robo4  血管生成  内皮细胞迁移  内皮细胞通透性  缺血性脑血管病
英文关键词: Robo4  Angiogenesis  Endothelial cell migration  Endothelial permeability  Ischemic cerebrovascular disease
周玉云 柴源 李福春 蒋莱 王策 马学玲 哈尔滨医科大学第四附属医院哈尔滨医科大学第一附属医院齐齐哈尔医学院第三附属医院 
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      Roundabout(Robo)蛋白是神经轴突导向分子家族Slit蛋白的单次跨膜受体,属于一种神经细胞粘附分子。Robo 蛋白在神经 系统已被确认具有重要轴突导向功能。近年来研究发现,血管新生的内皮细胞表面只特异性地表达Robo4,且Robo4 对内皮细胞 迁移、病理性血管生成和血管完整性都具有调节作用。缺血性脑血管病是人类致残甚至死亡的主要疾病之一,由于短暂或持续的 脑血流减少而造成脑细胞损伤,因此,恢复脑血流、促进血管再生对脑功能恢复至关重要。Robo4对血管方面的作用为我们进一步 研究及了解其在血管生成中的机制提供重要依据,也为缺血性脑血管病的治疗提供新的发展方向。
      Roundabout (Robo) protein is a single-pass transmembrane receptor of Slit protein of nerve axon guidance molecules family, regarded as a kind of nerve cell adhesion molecules. Robo protein has been confirmed that it plays an important role of axon guidance in nervous system. Recent studies have found that the surface of endothelial cells of angiogenesis only specifically express Robo4, which can regulate endothelial cell migration, pathological angiogenesis and blood vessel integrity. Ischemic stroke is a major cause of disability and death worldwide.Due to a transient or permanent reduction of cerebral blood flow,ischemic cerebrovascular disease is characterized by celluar dysfunction. The effect of Robo4 on vascular provides us an important basis to further research the mechanismof Robo in angiogenesis as well as a new development trend for treatment of ischemic cerebrovascular disease.
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