秦青 常甜甜 宋扬 李强 陈永进.牙科焦虑症治疗方法综述[J].,2016,16(16):3190-3195
Review on Dental Fear Therapy Methods
中文关键词: 牙科焦虑症  行为学  心理疗法  认知行为
英文关键词: Dental fear  Behavior  Psychological therapy  Cognitive behavior
秦青 常甜甜 宋扬 李强 陈永进 解放军第323 医院西安邮电大学理学院第四军医大学口腔医院 
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      牙科焦虑症主要是对疼痛的恐惧、对未知的恐惧、对机体受到伤害的恐惧等因素导致的焦虑症状。临床中80 %的口腔疾病 患者都对治疗心存恐惧,因此在很大程度上不能配合医生的治疗甚至逃避治疗。随着生活水平的不断提高,人们要求在舒适的心 理环境中接受治疗,因此牙科焦虑症就成为口腔医护工作者必须面对的问题。治疗牙科焦虑症的方法主要分为行为学,药理学和 有机放松法三个大类,在实际使用的过程当中往往是各种方法配合使用,而不是单一使用。随着人们研究的逐步深入,提出的具 体治疗方法也越来越多,本文就牙科焦虑症目前所使用的治疗方法做详细的介绍及分类,帮助口腔医护工作人员理清治疗思路, 为正确的诊断、干预和治疗牙科焦虑症提供治疗方法。
      Dental fear is an anxiety symptom, mainly caused by fear of pain, unknown, and body hurt, etc. Clinically, 80 % of patients with oral diseases are afraid of the treatment, therefore they can't cooperate with the dentists or even run from the treatment. With the improvement of living standard, people required accepting the treatment in the comfortable psychological environment, dental fear has become an issue that oral medical workers must confront. The dental fear treatment methods were categorized into three types: behavioral method, pharmacology method, and organic relaxation method. In actual practice, the treatment methods of DF are synthetically method rather than single one. More and more specific treatments are proposed for the further study. This paper gives a detailed introduction and classification of treatment methods for dental fear which are used currently, so as to help medical staff of oral health care put treatment thoughts in order and to provide therapy for correct diagnosis, intervention and treatment of dental fear.
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