郑宸 应长青 洪心 卢婷婷 李旭颖 尹凡硕.嗜热菌Anoxybacillu sp.产淀粉酶培养基优化及产酶条件研究[J].,2016,16(19):3619-3624
嗜热菌Anoxybacillu sp.产淀粉酶培养基优化及产酶条件研究
Optimization of Producing Amylase Mediumand Production Condition ofThermophiles Anoxybacillu sp.
中文关键词: 嗜热菌  淀粉酶  培养基优化  产酶条件
英文关键词: Thermophilic bacteria  Amylase  Culture mediumoptimization  Production conditions
郑宸 应长青 洪心 卢婷婷 李旭颖 尹凡硕 哈尔滨医科大学公共卫生学院黑龙江省医院检验科 
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      目的:对产淀粉酶嗜热菌Anoxybacillu sp.菌株进行培养基优化及产酶条件研究,以便提高菌株的产酶能力,并为下一步菌 株的诱变育种研究提供基础。方法:常规方法液体培养菌株,用平板初筛和DNS法复筛选择产淀粉酶能力较高的菌株;单因素筛 选培养基最适的碳源、氮源、Ca2+浓度和Mg2+浓度,对单因素筛选的最佳碳源、氮源、Ca2+和Mg2+的三个较佳浓度进行四因素三 水平正交试验优化培养基;对培养基不同pH值及不同培养温度进行培养条件研究。结果:产淀粉酶菌株筛选结果显示:六株菌中 淀粉酶酶活力值最大的是菌株Anoxybacillu sp.DL4,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。培养基单因素筛选结果显示:最适碳源为麦芽糖、最适氮源为 硝酸铵、最适Ca2+、Mg2+浓度均为0.02%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。培养基优化结果显示:C 源0.1 %,N源0.2 %,Mg2+ 0.04%, Ca2+ 0.04 %为最佳的培养基成分组合。产酶条件筛选结果显示:培养基pH 值为6、培养温度为55 ℃时菌株产酶水平最高,差异有 统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:培养基的优化及最适的产酶条件能提高嗜热菌Anoxybacillu sp.DL4 产淀粉酶能力,Ca2+、Mg2+离子 对菌株产淀粉酶有促进作用。
      Objective:To improve the enzyme-producing capability and provide a basis for further study on mutation breeding of strain, we studied optimization of the culture medium and conditions of the enzyme production of thermophilic bacteria Anoxybacillu sp.Methods:Conventional method was used to culture the strains. The high-yield amylase strains were finally obtained through the first screening with tablet screening with and the second screening with DNS method. The single-factor screening was used to screen the optimal carbon source, nitrogen source, Ca2+ concentrations and Mg2+ concentrations in the culture medium. The optimal composition based on the single-factor screening was optimized by orthogonal test of four factors and three levels. Single-factor screening was also used for selection of the pH of medium, the optimum culture temperature.Results:The results of screening for the amylase-producing strains showed that the strain DL4 has the highest amylase activity among the six strains (P<0.05). The univariate screening results showed that maltose was the optimumcarbon source (P<0.05), ammoniumnitrate was the best carbon source (P<0.05), and the optimal concentrations of Ca2+ and Mg2+ were all 0.02%(P<0.05). Mediumoptimization results showed that C source of 0.1 %, N source 0.2 %, Mg2+ 0.04 %, and Ca2+ 0.04 % were the best culture medium compositions. The result of screening for conditions of enzyme production indicated that Anoxybacillu sp . DL4 produced the highest enzyme levels at pH 6 (P<0.05) for 55 ℃ (P<0.05).Conclusion:The optimization of the culture medium and the optimum conditions of enzyme production could improve the amylase production capacity of Anoxybacillu sp.DL4, and Ca2+ and Mg2+ could contribute to the strains of the enzyme-producing ability.
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