李凯 王玉光 仉丽娟 周文博 周洪波△.矿石粒度对西藏玉龙次生硫化铜矿柱浸的影响研究[J].,2016,16(20):3812-3816
Effect of Particle Size on the Column Leaching of Secondary Sulphide OrefromTibet Yulong Copper Mine*
中文关键词: 次生硫化铜矿  生物浸出  矿石粒度  铜浸出率  耗酸量
英文关键词: Secondary sulphide copper ore  Bioleaching  Particle size  Copper leaching rate  Acid consumption
李凯 王玉光 仉丽娟 周文博 周洪波△ 中南大学资源加工与生物工程学院 
摘要点击次数: 793
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      目的:以西藏玉龙次生硫化铜铜矿为研究对象,考察了该矿石生物浸出的可行性,并且研究了矿石粒度对生物浸出的影响。 方法:在小型柱式反应器中,利用实验室在45 ℃条件下富集获得的一种中等嗜热浸矿富集物进行了小型生物柱浸试验。结果:与 常规酸浸相比,中等嗜热浸矿微生物的存在很大幅度地促进了Cu 的浸出,可以使Cu 的浸出率提高25 %,硫酸消耗量减少33 %。 该矿石经过110天的生物浸出后,5~10 mm 粒级矿石最终浸出率高达89 %,而15~25 mm粒级矿石最终浸出率为57 %,浸出 渣相经过XRD 分析发现,5~10 mm 粒级渣相中出现大量的黄钾铁矾和少量的硫单质。结论:微生物存在可以显著地提高该矿石 铜的浸出率,同时降低酸耗。并且随着该矿石粒度的减小,铜的浸出速率显著加快。
      Objective:This work aimed to analyze the feasibility of bioleaching and the effect of particle size on the bioleaching of the secondary sulphide ore from Tibet Yulong copper mine.Methods:The bioleaching of the copper ore was investigated in the bench-scale columns using the mixed culture of moderately thermophilic microorganisms which was enriched at 45℃ in the lab.Results:Compared with middle size and sterile control group, the column inoculated with microbes can raise 25% of copper leaching rate and save 33%of sulfuric acid consumption simultaneously. The results indicated that 89%of copper was leached at 5~10 mm particle size, while 57% of copper was leached at 15~25 mm particle size. The solid residue was examined by the XRD, jarosite and a little sulfur were obviously found on the surface of residue from 5-10 mm particle size.Conclusion:The copper leaching rate was significantly improved by inoculating microbes. With the decrease of the ore particle size, the rate of the copper extract will be significantly increased.
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