李娟 孙莉 肖玉娴 李晓端 吴娴.卡维地洛联合厄贝沙坦治疗慢性心功能不全的疗效及对IL-6的影响[J].,2016,16(22):4335-4338
Carvedilol Combined with Irbesartan for Chronic Heart Failure
中文关键词: 厄贝沙坦  卡维地洛  慢性心功能不全
英文关键词: Irbesartan  Carvedilol  Chronic heart failure
李娟 孙莉 肖玉娴 李晓端 吴娴 武汉市汉口医院药剂科武汉市长航总医院康复科武汉市汉口医院神经内科 
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      目的:探讨卡维地洛联合厄贝沙坦治疗慢性心功能不全的疗效及对血浆IL-6 的影响。方法:选择64 例慢性心功能不全患者 采用平行对照法随机分为治疗组和对照组各32 例,对照组给予血管扩张剂、利尿剂和强心剂等基础用药进行常规治疗,观察组 在对照组的基础上加用卡维地洛联合厄贝沙坦进行治疗,疗程均为4 周,观察两组患者的临床疗效、心功能分级和血浆IL-6 水平 变化情况。结果:4 周疗程后,观察组总有效率为84.38%显著高于对照组的59.38%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);心功能分级变化 情况显示,治疗后两组患者心功能分级状况都有所变化,症状得到改善。与对照组相比观察组I 级患者数量明显增加,III 级数量 减少,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);治疗后两组患者IL-6 水平均下降,且左室射血分数(LVEF)值升高,与对照组相比观察组患者 指标水平变化明显,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:在常规用药基础上加用卡维地洛和厄贝沙坦,可改善慢性心功能不全症 状,降低IL-6水平,临床疗效显著。
      Objective:To investigate the effect of carvedilol combined with irbesartan in the treatment of chronic heart failure and the impact on IL-6.Methods:A total of 64 patients with chronic heart failure were selected and randomly divided into treatment group (n=32) and control group (n=32) by parallel control method. The control group was given conventional treatment (basic medicine: vasodilator, diuretic and cardiac); the observation group, carvedilol combined with irbesartan on the basis of control group's therapy. The course of treatment was 4 weeks. The clinical efficacy,cardiac function grading and the change of plasma IL-6 level of patients in the two groups were observed.Results:After 4 weeks of treatment,the total effective rate (84.38%) of observation group was significantly higher than that (59.38%) of control group, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). The change of cardiac function grading showed that the situation of cardiac function grading of patients in the two groups were changed and the symptoms were improved after treatment.Compared with control group, the number of patients of grade I in the observation group significantly increased, and the number of patients of grade III decreased, the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). The IL-6 levels of patients in the two groups all decreased, and the left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) value increased; the indexes levels of patients in the observation group changed significantly compared with control group, the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05).Conclusion:Adding carvedilol combined with irbesartan in the treatment of patients with chronic heart failure, on the basis of conventional treatment, can improve chronic heart failure symptoms of the patients and reduce the IL-6 level, with remarkable clinical efficacy .
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